Current status and future of RIBF experiments (II)
RIBF Bldg. 2F Coference room (RIKEN Wako)
RIBF Bldg. 2F Coference room
Lectures for theory researchers:
"Current status and future of RIBF experiments (II)"
Date : March 20th (Fri), 2015
Time : 13:00 - 14:30
Place: RIKEN Wako Campus, RIBF 2F Conference Room
This is the second in a series of lectures by the leaders of RIBF Research Division in RIKEN Nishina Center, mainly designed for theory researchers who are interested in physics in RIBF. This opportunity provides mutual interactions among researchers in theory and experiment, aiming at discussion about exciting future in low-energy nuclear physics related to RIBF.
T. Abe (Tokyo), Y. Aritomo (Tokyo Tech), W. Horiuchi (Hokkaido),
M. Kimura (Hokkaido), T. Matsumoto (Kyushu), F. Minato (JAEA),
K. Nakazato (Tokyo U. Science), K. Ogata (RCNP), Y. Utsuno (JAEA),
S. Wanajo (RIKEN), K. Yoshida (Niigata)
Dear colleages,
We are pleased to announce that the following lecture will be
held on Mar. 20. We welcome your participation, particularly
young researchers who are interested in activity in RIBF.
Best regards,
Kazuyuki Ogata (on behalf of the organizers)