SAMURAI International Collaboration Workshop 2022

Room290, Main building, O-okayama campus (Tokyo Institute of Technology / Online)

Room290, Main building, O-okayama campus

Tokyo Institute of Technology / Online

Sep.02 : hybrid of in-person at Tokyo Tech and online Sep.03 : on-line For on-line ミーティングID: 926 0090 8993 パスコード: KmwMe1
Takashi Nakamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

SAMURAI ICW2022 will be held on 2 Sep--3 Sep.  As in the previous WS last year, we have limited time each day. Talks are given primarily for new/revised proposals/new device/loI
+ some key information from RIKEN/Spokesperson.

Please note that if you plan to submit a proposal this year, you'd better submit a preproposal and participate in this WS on-line, so that you would obtain some useful advice for your proposal to be more feasible. The deadline for the pre-proposal submission is 1/Aug.(Mon.).