=Date and Place=
Sep. 26th (Tue) 2023 , 13:30~
RIBF Hall, RIBF bldg., RIKEN
Dr. Kenta Itahashi
(Meson Science Lab., RIKEN CPR)
Precision spectroscopy of pionicatoms at RIBF and deduction of chiral condensate at nuclear density
We have been running the piAF(pionicatom factory) project at RIBF, and have made high precision spectroscopy of 1s and 2p states of pionicSn121 atoms. The s-wave strong interaction between pionsand nuclei was precisely determined from the measured spectrum. The obtained result is further analyzed in terms of the wave function renormalization due to the nuclear medium effect, and the chiral condensate in the nuclear medium is deduced. In this seminar, we will also discuss the technical aspects of the high precision measurement and the future plans.