[RIBF ULIC mini-WS042] Exploring nuclear shapes through RIBF studies and high-energy nuclear collisions

201 (RIBF)




This mini-WS aims to elucidate nuclear shapes and deformations from the flow in heavy-ion collisions, bringing together researchers from heavy-ion collision and nuclear structure/reaction fields for discussion. Simultaneously, through interaction between both communities, we seek to explore new research directions.

In recent years, the accuracy of transport models describing heavy-ion collisions has improved, and analysis methods using machine learning have advanced. This has enabled the investigation of various nuclear properties such as nuclear shapes (exotic deformations and clusters) and neutron skins based on event-by-event data analysis.

In this mini-WS, relevant experts will gather at RIBF to initiate discussions on high-priority research topics and future developments at heavy-ion accelerator facilities. This workshop is limited to invited presentations, but everyone is welcome to join the discussion.

Invited Speakers: 

  • Mitsunori Fukuda (Osaka U.)
  • Kouichi Hagino (Kyoto U.)
  • Koichi Murase (Tokyo Metropolitan)
  • Yasushi Nara (Akita International U.)
  • Shunji Nishimura (RIKEN)
  • Azumi Sakai (Hiroshima U.)
  • Masayuki Yamagami (Aizu U.)


  • Aiko Takamine
  • gen takayama
  • Koichi Murase
  • Kota Yanase
  • Kouhei Washiyama
  • Kouichi Hagino
  • Mao Kurino
  • Masaaki Kimura
  • Masakiyo Kitazawa
  • Masaomi Tanaka
  • Mitsunori Fukuda
  • Nicholas J Benoit
  • Nobuo Hinohara
  • Satoshi Yokkaichi
  • Shigeru Kubono
  • Shigeyoshi Aoyama
  • Shin-ei Fujii
  • Shoto Sakuma
  • Tadaaki Isobe
  • Takayuki Yamaguchi
  • Takeshi Suzuki
  • Taku Gunji
  • Wataru Horiuchi
  • Yasushi Nara
  • +12