
RIBF accelerator seminar / 加速器セミナー

by Dr Thierry Stora (CERN)

RIBF Coference Hall, RIKEN

RIBF Coference Hall, RIKEN

講師:Thierry Stora 博士     スイス/欧州原子核研究機構(CERN)      ISOLDEターゲット及びイオン源開発チーム チームリーダー Title: “New radioactive ion beams at CERN-ISOLDE : Target and ion source developments” 日時: 2011年 12月2日(金) 10:30 - 場所: RIBF棟2F 大会議室 ====================================== Abstract:   ISOLDE at CERN produces a wide range of radioactive ion beams by the isotope separation online (ISOL) method. It has been in operation for more than forty years, is today the ISOL facility which offers the widest range of radioactive ion beams. This is the result of constant developments in the techniques used in beam production, that span different scientific disciplines such as material science, gas phase chemistry or plasma physics.   I will introduce in this seminar the latest developments that lead to the delivery of new beams, to gains in beam intensities or in purity. For instance, we have witnessed the first use of nanostructured and submicron target materials for the production of intense exotic Mg and Kr beams, and the first direct production of Fe beams. Selective impurity adsorption was achieved thanks to the use of quartz trapping insert in the transfer line between the target and the ion source, for the production of 80Zn and 130Cd beams. Advances in the understanding and development of forced electron beam impact ion sources finally lead to significant increases in their performance, with a new generation of ion sources "VADIS", notably applied when 229Rn was discovered by the ISOLTRAP collaboration.   A final part of the presentation will cover the developments of high power ISOL targets, useful for the next generation pan-European radioactive ion beam facility EURISOL, and for the large scale neutrino oscillation facility betabeams. 担当:装置開発チーム 大西(内線:4774)