
Mathphys seminar

Main Research bldg. room 248

Main Research bldg. room 248

日時:4月16日(月) 13:30から1時間程度 Date: April 16th (Mon), 13:30- 場所:研究本館248室(橋本数理物理研セミナー室) Place: Main Research bldg. room 248 (Math phys seminar room) 講師:北野龍一郎 氏 (東北大学) Lecturer: prof. Ryuichiro Kitano (Tohoku univ.) 講演題目: Title: Higgs mechanism and confinement 概要: Abstract: We try to identify the light hadron world as the magnetic picture in QCD. We take both phenomenological and theoretical approaches to this hypothesis, and find that the interpretation seems to show interesting consistencies. In particular, one can identify the rho and omega meson as the magnetic gauge bosons which provide an explanation of the quark confinement via the dual Meissner effect. 講演言語 Language:English/Japanese