
Strangeness Nuclear Physics seminar

by Dr Daisuke Satow (Kyoto University)

Main building, 213

Main building, 213

Date: November 12, from 14:30 Place: Main building, 213 Leturer: Daisuke Satow (Kyoto University) Title: Ultrasoft Fermion Mode in Hot or Dense Boson-Fermion System Abstract: Investigation of fermion spectrum in a boson-fermion system such as QED/QCD at high temperature (T) or chemical potential (μ) is very important because it gives us the information on the basic building block of the system. In contrast to the case that the energy scale is of order gT or gμ (g: coupling constant), in which the method for perturbative analysis called "hard thermal/dense loop approximation" has been established, perturbative analysis in p<< g^2T region is difficult because of the infrared singularity. In this seminar, we find a novel fermionic excitation and obtain the expression of the dispersion relation, the decay width, and the strength, using the resummed perturbation theory regularizing that singularity in a hot QED/QCD plasma. We also find that the excitation disappears in the high density case, and discuss the reason of the disappearnce. Finally we derive the new generalized Boltzmann equation which is equivalent to the resummed perturbation from Kadanoff-Baym equation. By using that equivalence, we discuss kinetic interpretation of the resummed perturbation scheme, and show that the terms whose origin is different from those in the Boltzmann equation, appear in that kinetic equation.