
Colloquium of the Theoretical Nuclear Physics Lab.

Room 203, RIBF building

Room 203, RIBF building

This is an announcement of the informal colloquium of Theoretical Nuclear Physics Laboratory on Nov. 21 (Wed). See also the web page of TNP seminar, Best regards, Koichi Sato ============================================= Title: Deformation Effects on the Pygmy Dipole Resonance Speaker: Shuichiro Ebata Date: Wednesday, Nov. 21st, 11:00- Place: Room 203, RIBF building Abstract: We investigate the systematics of low-lying E1 mode which is often called Pygmy dipole resonance(PDR). We focus on the PDR of deformed nuclei, and report the relation between the neutron skin-thickness and the PDR. The deformed nuclei have the deviation in the PDR components(K=0 and K=1), that can be seen in the results of very neutron-rich Sn isotopes obtained by relativistic mean field theory[1]. They explain the deviation by the direction dependence of the skin-thickness of deformed nuclei. We pick up the deformed nuclei from our systematic study, and discuss the relation between the skin-thickness and the deviation. [1] D. Pena, E. Khan and P. Ring, Phys. Rev. C79, 034311(2009).