14–18 Jul 2015
Kobe International Conference Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Five-dimensional Gauge Theories in a Warped Background

15 Jul 2015, 17:30
405 (Kobe International Conference Center)


Kobe International Conference Center

6-9-1 Minatojima-nakamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0046, Japan
Talk Physics Beyond the Standard Model Physics Beyond the Standard Model


Ms Eliana Lambrou (The University of Edinburgh)


The anisotropic five-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory in a flat space-time background has a rich phase diagram that has been investigated extensively using various techniques. The objective is to understand whether a layered phase exists that could support a four-dimensional brane in the continuum limit, but the results to date provide no evidence for this. We present new results, obtained in mean-field theory, for the phase diagram of this theory when the extra dimension is warped.

Primary author

Prof. Richard D. Kenway (The University of Edinburgh)


Ms Eliana Lambrou (The University of Edinburgh)

Presentation materials