688 / 688
- Gert Aarts
- Gert Aarts
- Abdou Abdel-Rehim
- David Adams
- Oscar Akerlund
- Maurizio Alberti
Constantia Alexandrou
- Author in Calculation of the decay width of decuplet baryons
- Co-author in Computation of correlation matrices for tetraquark candidates with $J^P = 0^+$ and flavor structure $q_1 \bar{q_2} q_3 \bar{q}_3$
- Co-author in Disconnected quark loop contributions to nucleon observables using $N_f=2$ twisted clover fermions at a physical value of the light quark mass
- Co-author in The electric dipole moment of the neutron from N_f=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
Andrei Alexandru
- Author in Boundary effects on the chiral condensate from Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Classifying the phases of gauge theories by spectral density of probing chiral quarks
- Co-author in Resonance Parameters for the rho-meson from Lattice QCD
- Co-author in The mass and leptonic decay constant of rho meson at the physical point
- Chris Allton
- Alessandro Amato
- Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos
Shinya Aoki
- Author in Encoding field theories into gravities
- Author in Generalized Gradient Flow Equation and Its Applications
- Co-author in Chiral behavior of light meson form factors in 2+1 flavor QCD with exact chiral symmetry
- Co-author in Lattice QCD code set Bridge++ on arithmetic accelerators
- Co-author in Study of the U(1)A symmetry restoration in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature with reweighed overlap fermions
Yasumichi Aoki
- Author in S-parameter and vector decay constant in QCD with eight fundamental fermions
- Author in SU(3) gauge theory with four degenerate fundamental fermions on the lattice
- Author in Topological observables in many-flavour QCD
- Author in Walking and conformal dynamics in many flavor QCD
- Co-author in Neutral B meson mixings and B meson decay constants in the infinite b quark mass limit with domain-wall light quarks
Tatsumi Aoyama
- Author in Numerical evaluation of QED contribution to lepton g-2
- Author in S-parameter and vector decay constant in QCD with eight fundamental fermions
- Author in SU(3) gauge theory with four degenerate fundamental fermions on the lattice
- Author in Topological observables in many-flavour QCD
- Author in Walking and conformal dynamics in many flavor QCD
- Co-author in Lattice QCD code set Bridge++ on arithmetic accelerators
- Yasufumi Araki
- Masayuki Asakawa
- Nils Asmussen
- Andreas Athenodorou
- Felipe Attanasio
- Christopher Aubin
- Venkit Ayyar
- Takehiro Azuma
- Oliver Baer
- Ziyuan Bai
- Jon Bailey
- Gunnar Bali
- Gunnar Bali
- Debasish Banerjee
- Subhashish Basak
Alexei Bazavov
- Author in Effective action for the Abelian Higgs model for a gauge-invariant implementation on optical lattices
- Author in Polyakov loop correlators and cyclic Wilson loop from lattice QCD
- Co-author in Decay constants $f_B$ and $f_{B_s}$ from HISQ simulations
- Co-author in Electromagnetic effects on the light pseudoscalar mesons and determination of $m_u/m_d$
- Mari Carmen Ba{¥~n}uls
- Rene Bellwied
- Vladimir Belokurov
- Ed Bennett
Georg Bergner
- Author in Lattice simulations of technicolour theories with adjoint fermions and supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
- Co-author in Canonical simulations of supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills quantum mechanics
- Co-author in Supermultiplets of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in the continuum limit
- Co-author in Witten index and phase diagram of compactified N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the lattice
Evan Berkowitz
- Author in Lattice QCD and Axion Cosmology
- Co-author in Nuclear Parity Violation from Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Two-nucleon scattering in multiple partial waves
- Joshua Berlin
- Claude Bernard
- Claude Bernard
Tanmoy Bhattacharya
- Author in Neutron EDM from quark chromoEDM
- Co-author in Nucleon charges, form-factors and neutron EDM
- Lorenzo Bianchi
- Marco Bianchi
- Pedro Bicudo
- Wolfgang Bietenholz
- Jacques Bloch
- Benoit Blossier
Thomas Blum
- Author in Hadronic Light by Light Contributions to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment With Near Physical Pions
- Author in zMobius and other recent developments on Domain Wall Fermions
- Co-author in Finite volume effects in hadronic vacuum polarization
- Co-author in On calculating disconnected-type hadronic light-by-light scattering diagrams from lattice QCD
Claudio Bonati
- Author in Magnetic properties and deconfinement
- Claudio Bonati
- Lorenzo Bongiovanni
- Vitaly Bornyakov
Szabolcs Borsányi
- Author in Fluctuations of conserved charges at finite temperature and density
- Author in Pure SU(3) Topological Susceptibility at Finite Temperature with the Wilson Flow
- Author in Static quark-antiquark pair free energy and screening masses: continuum results at the QCD physical point
- Co-author in Determination of f_K/f_pi from staggered Nf=2+1+1 ensembles
- Co-author in The curvature of the crossover line in the (T, mu)-phase diagram of QCD
- Chris Bouchard
- Chris Bouchard
- Denis Boyda
Peter Boyle
- Author in A next generation C++ library for data parallel QCD
- Co-author in Grid: A next generation C++ library for data parallel QCD
- Co-author in Neutral D-Meson Mixing near the Charm Mass
- Co-author in Neutral Kaon mixing beyond the Standard Model
- Co-author in Nf=2+1+1 renormalisation of four-quark operators
- Victor Braguta
- Victor Braguta
- Victor Braguta
- Michele Brambilla
- Nora Brambilla
- Bastian Brandt
Raul Briceno
- Co-author in Nuclear Parity Violation from Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Two-nucleon scattering in multiple partial waves
Richard Brower
- Author in Lattice Conformal Field Theory on the Reimann Sphere
- Co-author in Scalar field theory on a 2-sphere using quantum finite element method (QFEM)
- Co-author in Spherical Finite Elements for Lattice Radial Quantization
- Co-author in Studying near conformal behavior with four light flavors and eight flavors of variable mass.
- Nathan Brown
- Falk Bruckmann
- Mattia Bruno
- Michael Buchoff
- John Bulava
- John Bulava
- Evgeni Burovski
- Andrea Bussone
- Boye Buyens
- Isabel Campos
- Utku Can
- Francesco Capponi
- Nuno Cardoso
- Nuria Carrasco Vela
- Michele Caselle
- Paolo Cea
- bipasha Chakraborty
- Alexander Chambers
- Chia Cheng Chang
- Peter Chau
- Ying Chen
- Tingting Chen
- Michael Cheng
wong chik him
- Author in Hadron Spectroscopy with a low-mass composite scalar in the sextet model
- Co-author in A minimal model of the composite Higgs and its Goldstone dynamics
- Co-author in Running coupling of the sextet composite Higgs model
- Co-author in Taste symmetry restoration in the sextet model with staggered fermions
- Yong-Gwi Cho
Norman Christ
- Author in Computing the long-distance contributions to $\epsilon_K$
- Author in Hadronic Light by Light Contributions to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment With Near Physical Pions
- Co-author in Long-distance contributions to the rare kaon decay K+ -> pi+ l+ l-
- Co-author in Long-distance contributions to the rare kaon decay K+ -> pi+ nu nu-bar
- Co-author in On calculating disconnected-type hadronic light-by-light scattering diagrams from lattice QCD
- David Y. -J. Chu
Krzysztof Cichy
- Author in Mass spectrum of mesons containing charm quarks - continuum limit results from twisted mass fermions
- Author in The microscopic Twisted Mass Dirac spectrum and the spectral determination of the LECs of Wilson $\chi$-PT
- Co-author in Exploring possibly existing qq-anti-b-anti-b tetraquark states with qq = ud, ss, cc
- Co-author in Testing the Witten-Veneziano Formula on the Lattice
- Co-author in Thermal evolution of the 1-flavour Schwinger model with using Matrix Product States
- J. Ignacio Cirac
Vincenzo Cirigliano
- Co-author in Neutron EDM from quark chromoEDM
M Clark
- Author in QUDA features, scaling and solvers
- Sara Collins
- Brian Colquhoun
- Cristian Consonni
- Martha Constantinou
- Leonardo Cosmai
Guido Cossu
- Author in On the axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature
- Co-author in Analysis of short distance current correlators using OPE
- Co-author in Chiral behavior of light meson form factors in 2+1 flavor QCD with exact chiral symmetry
- Co-author in Decay constants and spectroscopy of mesons in lattice QCD using domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in Extracting the eta-prime meson mass from gluonic correlators in lattice QCD
- Co-author in Stochastic calculation of the QCD Dirac operator spectrum with Mobius domain-wall fermion
- Co-author in Study of the conformal phase of the SU(3) gauge theory with domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in Study of the U(1)A symmetry restoration in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature with reweighed overlap fermions
- Nigel Cundy
- Francesca Cuteri
- Francesca Cuteri (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
- Christopher Czaban
- Marco Cè
- Alessandro D'Adda
Massimo D'Elia
- Author in Magnetic properties and deconfinement
- Massimo D'Elia
Mattia Dalla Brida
- Author in A status update on the ALPHA collaboration's project to determine the Lambda-parameter in 3-flavour QCD
- Author in The chirally rotated Schrödinger functional at work
- Co-author in Computation of correlation matrices for tetraquark candidates with $J^P = 0^+$ and flavor structure $q_1 \bar{q_2} q_3 \bar{q}_3$
- Co-author in Perturbative renormalization of ∆S = 2 four-fermion operators with the chirally rotated Schrödinger functional
- Mattia Dalla Brida
- Marcello Dalmonte
- Binosi Daniele
- Christine Davies
Philippe de Forcrand
- Author in Aspects of topological actions on the lattice
- Co-author in Diagrammatic Monte Carlo simulations of staggered fermions at finite coupling
- Co-author in Effects of higher order operators on the Standard Model Higgs sector
- Co-author in Lattice simulation of the SU(2)-chiral model at zero and non-zero pion density
- Barbara De Palma
- Jordy de Vries
- Luigi Del Debbio
- Michele Della Morte
- Michele Della Morte
Mikhail Denissenya
- Co-author in Evidence for a new SU(4) symmetry with J=2 mesons
- Carleton DeTar
- William Detmold
Adriano Di Giacomo
- Co-author in Chiral symmetry breaking, instantons, and monopoles
- Francesco Di Renzo
- Viktor Dick
Heng-Tong Ding
- Author in Chiral phase transition of $N_f$=3 and 2+1 QCD at vanishing baryon chemical potential
- Co-author in A stochastic approach to the reconstruction of spectral functions in lattice QCD
- Co-author in The curvature of the chiral phase transition line at small values of the quark chemical potentials
- Co-author in Thermal dilepton rates and electrical conductivity of the QGP
- Dalibor Djukanovic
- Dalibor Djukanovic
- Takumi Doi
- Jun Doi
- Takahiro Doi
- Gordon Donald
Rachel Dowdall
- Co-author in Phenomenology with Lattice NRQCD b Quarks.
- Vincent Drach
- Jack Dragos
- Terrence Draper
- Arthur Dromard
- Daping Du
- Stephan Durr
Susanne Ehret
- Author in The Wilson flow in scalar field theory
Shinji Ejiri
- Co-author in Analytic continuation of finite density QCD with heavy quarks in the strong coupling region
- Co-author in Many flavor approach to study the critical point in finite density QCD
- Co-author in Many flavor approach to study the nature of chiral phase transition of two-flavor QCD
- Co-author in Towards the QCD equation of state at the physical point using Wilson fermion
- Aida El-Khadra
- Michael Endres
- Gergely Endrodi
- Georg P. Engel
- Michael Engelhardt
- Sebastian Engelnkemper
- Seiler Erhard
- Guray Erkol
- Giovanni Eruzzi
- Wynne Evans
- Brendan Fahy
- Xu Feng
- Jacob Finkenrath
- George Fleming
- Jonathan Flynn
- J. M. Flynn
Zoltan Fodor
- Author in Pure SU(3) Topological Susceptibility at Finite Temperature with the Wilson Flow
- Author in Static quark-antiquark pair free energy and screening masses: continuum results at the QCD physical point
- Co-author in A minimal model of the composite Higgs and its Goldstone dynamics
- Co-author in Running coupling of the sextet composite Higgs model
- Co-author in Taste symmetry restoration in the sextet model with staggered fermions
- Co-author in The curvature of the crossover line in the (T, mu)-phase diagram of QCD
- Valentina Forini
Anthony Francis
- Co-author in The H-dibaryon in two flavor lattice QCD
- Elizabeth Freeland
- Elizabeth Freeland
Julien Frison
- Author in Nf=2+1+1 renormalisation of four-quark operators
- Co-author in Neutral Kaon mixing beyond the Standard Model
- Patrick Fritzsch
- Andreas Frommer
- Hirotsugu Fujii
Hidenori Fukaya
- Author in Extracting the eta-prime meson mass from gluonic correlators in lattice QCD
- Author in Renormalization of two-dimensional XQCD
- Co-author in Analysis of short distance current correlators using OPE
- Co-author in Chiral behavior of light meson form factors in 2+1 flavor QCD with exact chiral symmetry
- Co-author in D meson semileptonic decays from lattice QCD with chiral fermions
- Co-author in On the axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature
- Co-author in Stochastic calculation of the QCD Dirac operator spectrum with Mobius domain-wall fermion
- Co-author in Study of the U(1)A symmetry restoration in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature with reweighed overlap fermions
- Ryutaro Fukuda
- Yasunori Futamura
- Elvira Gamiz
- Elvira Gamiz
- Elena Garcia-Ramos
Elena Garcia-Ramos
- Co-author in Testing the Witten-Veneziano Formula on the Lattice
- Marco garofalo
Nicolas Garron
- Co-author in Neutral Kaon mixing beyond the Standard Model
- Andrew Gasbarro
Christof Gattringer
- Author in Density of states approach with FFA for an effective Polyakov loop model at finite density
- Author in Dual representation for massless fermions with chemical potential and U(1) gauge fields
- Co-author in Solving the complex action problem of the finite density Z3 spin model with the density of states approach using FFA
- Co-author in The Nonlinear O(3) Model with Chemical Potential in a Dual Representation
Peter Georg
- Co-author in Adaptive algebraic multigrid on SIMD architectures
- Urs Gerber
pietro giudice
- Author in Supermultiplets of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in the continuum limit
- Co-author in Lattice simulations of technicolour theories with adjoint fermions and supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
- Co-author in Witten index and phase diagram of compactified N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the lattice
- Mario Giuliani
- Leonardo Giusti
- Benjamin Glaessle
Michael Glatzmaier
- Co-author in Proton spin decomposition with overlap fermion
- Jonas Rylund Glesaaen
- Leonid Glozman
- Maarten Golterman
- Ming Gong
- Antonio Gonzalez-Arroyo
- Pedro Gonçalves de Oliveira
- Steven Gottlieb
- Vladimir Goy
- Mario Gravina
Jeremy Green
- Author in Direct calculation of hadronic light-by-light scattering
- Co-author in The H-dibaryon in two flavor lattice QCD
- Jeff Greensite
- Eric Gregory
- Oleksii Gryniuk
- Marco Guagnelli
- Vera Guelpers
- Jana Guenther
- Dehua Guo
Rajan Gupta
- Author in Nucleon charges, form-factors and neutron EDM
- Co-author in Neutron EDM from quark chromoEDM
- Antoine Gérardin
- Meinulf Göckeler
- Kyriakos Hadjiyiannakou
- for HAL QCD Collaboration
- Simon Hands
Maxwell Hansen
(University of Mainz)
- Author in Three-body observables from the lattice
- Martin Hansen
- Tim Harris
- Masayasu Hasegawa
- Anna Hasenfratz
- Anna Hasenfratz
Shoji Hashimoto
- Author in Stochastic calculation of the QCD Dirac operator spectrum with Mobius domain-wall fermion
- Co-author in Analysis of short distance current correlators using OPE
- Co-author in Charmonium current-current correlators with Mobius domain-wall fermion
- Co-author in Chiral behavior of light meson form factors in 2+1 flavor QCD with exact chiral symmetry
- Co-author in D meson semileptonic decays from lattice QCD with chiral fermions
- Co-author in Decay constants and spectroscopy of mesons in lattice QCD using domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in Extracting the eta-prime meson mass from gluonic correlators in lattice QCD
- Co-author in Nucleon axial and tensor charges with dynamical overlap quarks
- Co-author in On the axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature
- Co-author in Study of the U(1)A symmetry restoration in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature with reweighed overlap fermions
- Tetsuo Hatsuda
- Masashi Hayakawa
- Tomoya Hayata
- Florian Hebenstreit
- Prasad Hegde
- Jochen Heitger
- Urs Heller
- Urs Heller
- Christopher Helmes
- Gregorio Herdoiza
- Simon Heybrock
- Ari Hietanen
- Mark Hindmarsh
Kieran Holland
- Author in A new method to calculate the Dirac operator spectral density
- Co-author in A minimal model of the composite Higgs and its Goldstone dynamics
- Co-author in Running coupling of the sextet composite Higgs model
- Co-author in Taste symmetry restoration in the sextet model with staggered fermions
- Hanno Horch
Roger Horsley
- Author in Determining the scale in Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Applications of the Feynman–Hellmann theorem in hadron structure
- Co-author in Dashen's theorem and electromagnetic contributions to pseudoscalar meson masses
- Co-author in Improved Hadronic Matrix Element Determination Using the Variational Method
- Co-author in Improving the lattice axial vector current
- Ivan Horvath
- Jiayu Hua
- Cynthia Y.-H. Huang
- Stephan Huber
Renwick Hudspith
- Author in Neutral Kaon mixing beyond the Standard Model
- Co-author in Lattice input on the tau V_us puzzle
- Renwick J. Hudspith
- Roman Höllwieser
- Ben Hörz
- Terukazu Ichihara
- Hideaki Iida
- Toru Iijima (KMI, Nagoya University)
- Yoichi Ikeda
- Atsuro Ikeda
- Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz
- Akira Imakura
- Nikos Irges
- Takumi Iritani
- Takumi Iritani
- Masahiro Ishii
- Noriyoshi for HAL QCD Collaboration Ishii
Ken-Ichi Ishikawa
- Author in Mass and Axial current renormalization in the Schr\"{o}dinger functional scheme for the RG-improved gauge and the stout smeared $O(a)$-improved Wilson quark actions.
- Co-author in 2+1 flavor QCD simulation near the physical point on a $96^4$ lattice
- Co-author in Eigenspectrum calculation of the non-Hermitian O(a)-improved Wilson-Dirac operator using the Sakurai-Sugiura method
- Co-author in IR fixed points and conformal window in $SU(3)$ gauge Theories
- Co-author in Study of the conformal phase of the SU(3) gauge theory with domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in The one-loop analysis of the beta-function in the Schroedinger Functional for Moebius Domain Wall Fermions
- Tomomi Ishikawa
Goro Ishiki
- Author in Matrix Geometry and Coherent States
- Naruhito Ishizuka
- Yuta Ito
- Etsuko Itou
- Aleksandr Ivanov
- Yoichi iwasaki
Taku Izubuchi
- Author in Hadronic Light by Light Contributions to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment With Near Physical Pions
- Author in Improving the volume-dependence of lattice QCD+QED simulations
- Author in Lattice QCD moments - $g-2$ and NEDM -
- Author in zMobius and other recent developments on Domain Wall Fermions
- Co-author in Neutral B meson mixings and B meson decay constants in the infinite b quark mass limit with domain-wall light quarks
- Co-author in On calculating disconnected-type hadronic light-by-light scattering diagrams from lattice QCD
- Co-author in Optimizing the domain wall fermion Dirac operator using the R-Stream source-to-source compiler
Benjamin Jaeger
- Author in Insights into the heavy dense QCD phase diagram using Complex Langevin simulations
- Co-author in Calculation of free baryon spectral densities at finite temperature
- Co-author in Nucleons and parity doubling across the deconfinement transition
- Co-author in Study of the hadronic contributions to the running of the QED coupling
- Co-author in The hadronic vacuum polarization function with O(a)-improved Wilson fermions - an update
- Co-author in Towards the heavy dense QCD phase diagram using Complex Langevin simulations
- Yong-Chull Jang
- Yong-Chull Jang
- Tadeusz Janowski
Karl Jansen
- Author in Lattice study of the Higgs-Yukawa model in and beyond the Standard Model
- Author in The microscopic Twisted Mass Dirac spectrum and the spectral determination of the LECs of Wilson $\chi$-PT
- Co-author in Disconnected quark loop contributions to nucleon observables using $N_f=2$ twisted clover fermions at a physical value of the light quark mass
- Co-author in Testing the Witten-Veneziano Formula on the Lattice
- Co-author in The electric dipole moment of the neutron from N_f=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
- Karl Jansen
Hwancheol Jeong
- Author in calculation of strange and light quark condensate using improved staggered fermions and overlap fermions
- Author in Non-perturbative Renormalization with RI-MOM scheme for Bilinear Operators on the Fine Lattice
- Co-author in Performance of Maxwell GPUs and Optimization of Non-Perturbative Renormalization codes.
- Fu-Jiun Jiang
- Luchang Jin
- Xiao-Yong Jin
- Christian Jost
Andreas Juettner
- Author in Light flavours
- Co-author in Hadronic form factors for rare semi-leptonic $B$ decays
- Co-author in Long-distance contributions to the rare kaon decay K+ -> pi+ l+ l-
- Co-author in Long-distance contributions to the rare kaon decay K+ -> pi+ nu nu-bar
- Co-author in Neutral D-Meson Mixing near the Charm Mass
- Co-author in Precision study of critical slowing down in lattice simulations of the CP^{N-1} model
Chulwoo Jung
- Author in zMobius and other recent developments on Domain Wall Fermions
- Co-author in Neutral B meson mixings and B meson decay constants in the infinite b quark mass limit with domain-wall light quarks
- Co-author in Optimizing the domain wall fermion Dirac operator using the R-Stream source-to-source compiler
- Parikshit Junnarkar
- Seung-Yeob Jwa
- Olaf Kaczmarek
- Daisuke Kadoh (KEK)
- Aya Kagimura
- Karsten Kahl
- Martin Kalinowski
- Norihiko Kamata
- Syo Kamata
- Kazuhiko Kamikado
- Waseem Kamleh
- Issaku Kanamori
- Kazuyuki KANAYA
- Takuya Kanazawa
Takashi Kaneko
- Author in Chiral behavior of light meson form factors in 2+1 flavor QCD with exact chiral symmetry
- Co-author in D meson semileptonic decays from lattice QCD with chiral fermions
- Co-author in Decay constants and spectroscopy of mesons in lattice QCD using domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in Extracting the eta-prime meson mass from gluonic correlators in lattice QCD
- Co-author in Nucleon axial and tensor charges with dynamical overlap quarks
- Co-author in On the axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature
- Co-author in Stochastic calculation of the QCD Dirac operator spectrum with Mobius domain-wall fermion
- Co-author in Study of the U(1)A symmetry restoration in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature with reweighed overlap fermions
- Tuomas Karavirta
- Frithjof Karsch
- Kouji Kashiwa
- Sandor D. Katz
Taichi Kawanai
- Author in Improving our determinations of the decay constant $f_B$ and the $B\to\pi \ell \nu$ semi-leptonic form factors using physical light quarks
- Co-author in $B-\bar B$ mixing with domain-wall light quarks and relativistic $b$-quarks
- Co-author in Hadronic form factors for rare semi-leptonic $B$ decays
- Hikaru Kawauchi
- Liam Keegan
- Moshe Kellerstein
- Christopher Kelly
- Anthony D. Kennedy
- Richard D. Kenway
- Ava Khamseh
Kengo Kikuchi
- Author in Generalized Gradient Flow Equation and Its Applications
- Co-author in Encoding field theories into gravities
- Yoshio Kikukawa
Jangho Kim
- Author in Non-perturbative Renormalization with RI-MOM scheme for Bilinear Operators on the Fine Lattice
- Co-author in Nonperturbative renormalization in the RI-SMOM scheme and Gribov copies for staggered bilinears
- Co-author in Performance of Maxwell GPUs and Optimization of Non-Perturbative Renormalization codes.
- Seyong Kim
- Taro Kimura
- Masakiyo Kitazawa
- Thomas Kloiber
- Francesco Knechtli
- Francesco Knechtli
- Bastian Knippschild
- hirokazu Kobayashi
- Vanessa Koch
- j. b. kogut
- Miho Koma
- Yoshiaki Koma
- Javad Komijani
- Kei-Ichi Kondo
- Jonna Koponen
- Piotr Korcyl
- Thomas Korzec
- Andrey Kotov
- Hiroaki Kouno
- Giannis Koutsou
Andreas Kronfeld
- Co-author in Decay constants $f_B$ and $f_{B_s}$ from HISQ simulations
- Co-author in Neutral $B$-meson and $D$-meson mixing bag parameters from $2+1$ flavor lattice QCD
- Co-author in Semileptonic $B$-meson decay phenomenology with lattice QCD
- Co-author in Update on the Heavy-Meson Spectrum Tests of the Oktay--Kronfeld Action
- Teiji Kunihiro
- Masafumi Kurachi
Yoshinobu Kuramashi
- Co-author in 2+1 flavor QCD simulation near the physical point on a $96^4$ lattice
- Co-author in Mass and Axial current renormalization in the Schr\"{o}dinger functional scheme for the RG-improved gauge and the stout smeared $O(a)$-improved Wilson quark actions.
- Co-author in Study of the continuum limit of the Schwinger model using Wilson's lattice formulation
Yoshinobu Kuramashi
- Co-author in Eigenspectrum calculation of the non-Hermitian O(a)-improved Wilson-Dirac operator using the Sakurai-Sugiura method
- Co-author in Phase structure of Nf=3 QCD at finite temperature and density by Wilson-Clover fermions
- Co-author in Towards the continuum limit of the critical endline of finite temperature QCD
- Yoshinobu Kuramashi
Thorsten Kurth
- Author in Nuclear Parity Violation from Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Two-nucleon scattering in multiple partial waves
Krzysztof Kutak
- Author in Gluon saturation and gluon densities
- Julius Kuti
- Edwin Laermann
- Catherine Laflamme
- John Laiho
- John Laiho
- Eliana Lambrou
- Paolo Lami
- C. B. Lang
- Kurt Langfeld
- M. Harper Langston
- Andrew Lawson
- Björn Leder
Weonjong Lee
- Author in calculation of strange and light quark condensate using improved staggered fermions and overlap fermions
- Author in Determination of $\varepsilon_K$ using lattice QCD inputs
- Author in Non-perturbative Renormalization with RI-MOM scheme for Bilinear Operators on the Fine Lattice
- Author in Performance of Maxwell GPUs and Optimization of Non-Perturbative Renormalization codes.
- Co-author in Nonperturbative renormalization in the RI-SMOM scheme and Gribov copies for staggered bilinears
- Co-author in Update on the Heavy-Meson Spectrum Tests of the Oktay--Kronfeld Action
- Sangbaek Lee
- Alexander Lehmann
Christoph Lehner
- Author in Hadronic Light by Light Contributions to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment With Near Physical Pions
- Author in Improving the volume-dependence of lattice QCD+QED simulations
- Co-author in Neutral B meson mixings and B meson decay constants in the infinite b quark mass limit with domain-wall light quarks
- Co-author in Non-perturbative renormalization of the static quark theory in a large volume
- Co-author in On calculating disconnected-type hadronic light-by-light scattering diagrams from lattice QCD
Christoph Lehner
- Co-author in Emerging lattice approach to K-Unitarity Triangle
- Viljami Leino
- Peter Lepage
- Richard Lethin
- Randy Lewis
- Meifeng Lin
Huey-Wen Lin
- Co-author in Nucleon charges, form-factors and neutron EDM
- C.-J. David Lin
- C. -J. David Lin
Keh-Fei Liu
- Author in Parton Distribution Function from Hadronic Tensor
- Co-author in Proton spin decomposition with overlap fermion
- Co-author in Quark Spin in Proton from Anomalous Ward Indentity
- Co-author in The mass and leptonic decay constant of rho meson at the physical point
- Co-author in The Roper resonance from spatially large interpolation fields
- Yubin Liu
- Liuming Liu
- Hang Liu
- Yuzhi Liu
- Zhaofeng Liu
- Edwin Lizarazo
Robert Lohmayer
- Author in Induced YM theory with auxiliary bosons
- Vittorio Lubicz
Biagio Lucini
- Author in Charged particles in QED with C* boundary conditions I
- Author in Charged particles in QED with C* boundary conditions II
- Author in The density of states approach at finite chemical potential: a numerical study of the Bose gas.
- Author in Topology and glueballs in $SU(7)$ Yang-Mills with open boundary conditions
- Co-author in Investigating some technical improvements to glueball calculations.
Enrico Lunghi
- Co-author in Emerging lattice approach to K-Unitarity Triangle
- Co-author in Semileptonic $B$-meson decay phenomenology with lattice QCD
- Tom Luu
Andrew Lytle
- Author in NPR determination of quark masses from the HISQ action
- Co-author in Neutral Kaon mixing beyond the Standard Model
- Co-author in Phenomenology with Lattice NRQCD b Quarks.
- Paul Mackenzie
- Padmanath Madanagopalan
- Yu Maezawa
- Simon Mages
- Johannes Mahr
- Kim Maltman
- Marina Marinkovic
- Marco Mariti
Marco Mariti
- Author in Magnetic properties and deconfinement
- Toshihide Maskawa
- Toshihide Maskawa
- Hideo Matsufuru
- Robert Mawhinney
- Greg McGlynn
- Craig McNeile
Ulf-G. Meissner
- Co-author in Three particles in a finite volume
- Hector Mejia-Diaz
- Michele Mesiti
- Yannick Meurice
Harvey Meyer
- Author in QCD at non-zero temperature from the lattice
- Co-author in A systematic study of excited-state effects on nucleon axial form factors
- Co-author in Direct calculation of hadronic light-by-light scattering
- Co-author in Exploring the effects of open boundary conditions on baryonic observables
- Co-author in The leading hadronic contribution to $\gamma$-$Z$ mixing
- Florian Meyer
Chuan Miao
- Co-author in The H-dibaryon in two flavor lattice QCD
- Tatsuhiro Misumi
- Kohtaroh Miura
- Kohtaroh Miura
- Kohtaroh Miura
Takaya for HAL QCD Collaboration Miyamoto
- Author in Lambda_c-N interaction from lattice QCD
- Graham Moir
- Alexander Molochkov
- Christopher Monahan
- Santanu Mondal
- Istvan Montvay
- Takahiro Morimoto
- Kenji Morita
- Colin Morningstar
- Shinji Motoki
- Swagato Mukherjee
- Yuko Murakami
- shin Muroya
- David Murphy
- Michael Müller-Preussker
Gernot Münster
- Author in Isospin splitting in Wilson chiral perturbation theory for twisted-mass lattice-QCD with three non-degenerate quark flavours
- Co-author in Lattice simulations of technicolour theories with adjoint fermions and supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
- Co-author in Supermultiplets of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in the continuum limit
- Co-author in Witten index and phase diagram of compactified N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the lattice
- Heechang Na
- Alessandro Nada
Kei-ichi Nagai
- Author in Lattice study of the Higgs-Yukawa model in and beyond the Standard Model
- Author in S-parameter and vector decay constant in QCD with eight fundamental fermions
- Author in SU(3) gauge theory with four degenerate fundamental fermions on the lattice
- Author in Topological observables in many-flavour QCD
- Author in Walking and conformal dynamics in many flavor QCD
- Co-author in SU(2) gauge theory with domain-wall fermions in fundamental and adjoint representations
- Keitaro Nagata
- Keitaro Nagata
- Attila Nagy
Yoshifumi Nakamura
- Author in Towards the continuum limit of the critical endline of finite temperature QCD
- Co-author in 2+1 flavor QCD simulation near the physical point on a $96^4$ lattice
- Co-author in Applications of the Feynman–Hellmann theorem in hadron structure
- Co-author in Dashen's theorem and electromagnetic contributions to pseudoscalar meson masses
- Co-author in Eigenspectrum calculation of the non-Hermitian O(a)-improved Wilson-Dirac operator using the Sakurai-Sugiura method
- Co-author in Improved Hadronic Matrix Element Determination Using the Variational Method
- Co-author in Improving the lattice axial vector current
- Co-author in Mass and Axial current renormalization in the Schr\"{o}dinger functional scheme for the RG-improved gauge and the stout smeared $O(a)$-improved Wilson quark actions.
- Co-author in Optimization of Lattice QCD with CG and multi-shift CG on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor
- Co-author in Phase structure of Nf=3 QCD at finite temperature and density by Wilson-Clover fermions
Atsushi Nakamura
- Author in Beating the sign problem in finite density lattice QCD
- Co-author in Calculation of high-order cumulants with canonical ensemble method in lattice QCD
- Co-author in Lattice QCD study of the I=0 scalar channel using four-quark operators
- Co-author in Study of high density phase transition in lattice QCD with canonical approach
- Atsushi Nakamura
- katsumasa Nakayama
- Yusuke Namekawa
- Yusuke Namekawa
- John W. Negele
- Francesco Negro
Francesco Negro
- Author in Magnetic properties and deconfinement
- Ethan Neil
- Hidekatsu Nemura
- Mathias Neuman
Amy Nicholson
- Author in Two-nucleon scattering in multiple partial waves
- Co-author in Nuclear Parity Violation from Lattice QCD
- Alexander Nikolaev
- Shinsuke Nishigaki
Jun Nishimura
- Co-author in Large-scale computation of the exponentially expanding universe in a simplified Lorentzian IIB matrix model
- Co-author in Monte Carlo studies of dynamical compactification of extra dimensions in a model of nonperturbative string theory
- Co-author in Testing a generalized cooling procedure in the complex Langevin simulation of chiral Random Matrix Theory
- Co-author in Understanding the problem with logarithmic singularities in the complex Langevin method
- Hiromichi Nishimura
Jun Noaki
- Author in Study of the conformal phase of the SU(3) gauge theory with domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in Analysis of short distance current correlators using OPE
- Co-author in Chiral behavior of light meson form factors in 2+1 flavor QCD with exact chiral symmetry
- Co-author in D meson semileptonic decays from lattice QCD with chiral fermions
- Co-author in Decay constants and spectroscopy of mesons in lattice QCD using domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in On the axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature
- Co-author in Stochastic calculation of the QCD Dirac operator spectrum with Mobius domain-wall fermion
- Co-author in Study of the U(1)A symmetry restoration in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature with reweighed overlap fermions
- Daniel Nogradi
- Kentaro Nomura
- Chiho Nonaka
- Andreas Nyffeler
- Kenji Ogawa
Hiroshi Ohki
- Author in S-parameter and vector decay constant in QCD with eight fundamental fermions
- Author in SU(3) gauge theory with four degenerate fundamental fermions on the lattice
- Author in Topological observables in many-flavour QCD
- Author in Walking and conformal dynamics in many flavor QCD
- Co-author in Nucleon axial and tensor charges with dynamical overlap quarks
- Hiroshi Ohki
Akira Ohnishi
- Author in Preweighting method in Monte-Carlo sampling with complex action
- Co-author in Higher order net baryon number cumulants in the strong coupling lattice QCD
- Co-author in Study of entropy production in Yang-Mills theory with use of Husimi function
- Co-author in Topological feature and phase diagram of QCD at complex chemical potential
- Hiroshi Ohno
- Shigemi Ohta
Shotaro Oka
- Author in Exploring finite density QCD phase transition with canonical approach - Power of multiple precision computation -
- Co-author in Beating the sign problem in finite density lattice QCD
- Co-author in Calculation of high-order cumulants with canonical ensemble method in lattice QCD
- Co-author in Study of high density phase transition in lattice QCD with canonical approach
- Co-author in Validity range of canonical approach to finite density QCD
- Makoto Oka
- Masanori Okawa
- Mehmet Oktay
- Orlando Oliveira
- Tetsuya Onogi
- James Osborn
- Konstantin Ottnad
- Markus Pak
Jeonghwan Pak
- Author in Non-perturbative Renormalization with RI-MOM scheme for Bilinear Operators on the Fine Lattice
- Author in Performance of Maxwell GPUs and Optimization of Non-Perturbative Renormalization codes.
- Co-author in Nonperturbative renormalization in the RI-SMOM scheme and Gribov copies for staggered bilinears
- Marco Panero
- Alessandro Papa
- Alessandro Papa
- Eric Papenhausen
- Mauro Papinutto
- Sungwoo Park
- Vladimir Pascalutsa
- Attila Pasztor
- Agostino Patella
Buividovich Pavel
- Author in Chiral Magnetic Conductivity in an interacting lattice model of a parity-breaking Weyl semimetal
- Author in Diagrammatic Monte-Carlo algorithms for large-N quantum field theories from Schwinger-Dyson equations
- Author in Numerical study of complex instantons in the Gross-Witten U(N) matrix model
- Michael Peardon
- Roberto Pellegrini
- Carlos Pena
- Michele Pepe
- Santiago Peris
- Holger Perlt
- Holger Perlt
- Antje Peters
- Bengt Petersson
- Peter Petreczky
- Marcus Petschlies
Owe Philipsen
- Author in Heavy and dense QCD from an effective lattice theory
- Author in The nature of the Roberge-Weiss Transition in N_f=2 QCD with Wilson Fermions on N_t=6 lattices
- Co-author in Analytic computations of an effective lattice theory for heavy quarks
- Co-author in The $N_f=2$ chiral phase transition from imaginary chemical potential with Wilson Fermions
- Claudio Pica
- Stefano Piemonte
- Stefano Piemonte
- Christopher Pinke
- Dirk Pleiter
- Antonin Portelli
- Chrisanthi Praki
- Sasa Prelovsek
- David Preti
- Thomas Primer
- Matthias Puhr
- Thomas Rae
Antonio Rago
- Author in Renormalization constants of the lattice energy momentum tensor using the gradient flow
- Author in The density of states approach at finite chemical potential: a numerical study of the Bose gas.
- Author in The Wilson flow in scalar field theory
- Co-author in Investigating some technical improvements to glueball calculations.
- Paul Rakow
Paul Rakow
- Co-author in Applications of the Feynman–Hellmann theorem in hadron structure
- Co-author in Improving the lattice axial vector current
- Paul Rakow
Alberto Ramos
- Author in (Dimensional) twisted reduction in large N gauge theories
- Author in A status update on the ALPHA collaboration's project to determine the Lambda-parameter in 3-flavour QCD
- Author in Charged particles in QED with C* boundary conditions I
- Author in Charged particles in QED with C* boundary conditions II
- Author in Lattice study for conformal windows of SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories with fundamental fermions
- Author in Prospects and status of quark mass renormalization in three-flavour QCD
- Jarno Rantaharju
- Teemu Rantalaiho
- Claudia Ratti
- Claudio Rebbi
- Krzysztof Redlich
- Daniel Richtmann
- Lorenzo Riggio
- Enrico Rinaldi
Enrico Rinaldi
- Author in Lattice QCD and Axion Cosmology
- Author in S-parameter and vector decay constant in QCD with eight fundamental fermions
- Author in Stealth Dark Matter on the lattice
- Author in SU(3) gauge theory with four degenerate fundamental fermions on the lattice
- Author in Topological observables in many-flavour QCD
- Author in Walking and conformal dynamics in many flavor QCD
- Tobias Rindlisbacher
Guillermo Rios
- Co-author in Three particles in a finite volume
- Rudolf Roedl
- Alexander Rothkopf
- Matthias Rottmann
Matthias Rottmann
- Co-author in Adaptive algebraic multigrid on SIMD architectures
Kari Rummukainen
- Author in Gravitational waves from cosmological first order phase transitions
- Co-author in Approaching the conformal window: systematic study of the particle spectrum in SU(2) field theory with N_f =2,4 and 6.
- Co-author in Gradient flow and IR fixed point in SU(2) with Nf=8 flavors
- Co-author in Mass anomalous dimension of SU2 with Nf=8 using the spectral density method
Akaki Rusetsky
- Author in Three particles in a finite volume
- Christopher Sachrajda
- Jun Saito
- Hana Saito
- Shuntaro Sakai
- Naoyuki Sakumichi
- Tetsuya Sakurai
Francesco Sanfilippo
- Author in Magnetic properties and deconfinement
- Francesco Sanfilippo
Francesco Sannino
(CP3-Origins & DIAS, University of Southern Denmark)
- Author in Lattice's Bright, Dark and Safe side
- Francesco Sannino
- Kenji Sasaki
- Shoichi Sasaki
- Chihiro Sasaki
- Alfonso Sastre
- Tomomi Sato
- Vasily Sazonov
- Vasily Sazonov
- Hans-Peter Schadler
- Stefan Schaefer
- Andreas Schafer
- David Schaich
Gerrit Schierholz
- Author in Light quark masses from infrared fixed point
- Co-author in Applications of the Feynman–Hellmann theorem in hadron structure
- Co-author in Dashen's theorem and electromagnetic contributions to pseudoscalar meson masses
- Co-author in Improved Hadronic Matrix Element Determination Using the Variational Method
- Co-author in Improving the lattice axial vector current
- Arwed Schiller
- Sebastian Schmalzbauer
- Daniel Schmidt
- Mario Schroeck
- Alessandro Sciarra (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
- Philipp Scior
- Luigi Scorzato
- Erhard Seiler
- Motoo Sekiguchi
- Denes Sexty
- sayantan sharma
- Akihiro Shibata
- Akihiro Shibata
- Shinji Shimasaki
- Yuya Shimizu
- Andrea Shindler
- Eigo Shintani
- Eigo Shintani
- Hai-Tao Shu
- Paulo de Jesus Silva
Jakob Simeth
- Author in Multigrid-accelerated Low-Mode Averaging
- Hubert Simma
- James Simone
- Silvano Simula
- Silvano Simula
- d. k. sinclair
- Stefan Sint
- Jon-Ivar Skullerud
- Kim Somfleth
- Rainer Sommer
- Kim Splittorff
- Matt Spraggs
- Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu
- Jakob Steinbauer
- Andre Sternbeck
- Alexei Strelchenko
Mark Strother
- Co-author in Nuclear Parity Violation from Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Two-nucleon scattering in multiple partial waves
- Hinnerk Stüben
Raza Sufian
- Co-author in Proton spin decomposition with overlap fermion
- Co-author in The Roper resonance from spatially large interpolation fields
- Hideo Suganuma
- Robert Sugar
- Tin Sulejmanpasic
- Mingyang Sun
- Hiroya Suno
- Joni Suorsa
- Hiroshi Suzuki
- Asobu Suzuki
- Takashi Suzuki
- Ben Svetitsky
- Sergey Syritsyn
- Kálmán Szabó
- Marcin Szyniszewski
- Wolfgang Söldner
- Junichi Takahashi
- Toru T. Takahashi
- Tetsuya Takaishi
Shinji Takeda
- Author in Phase structure of Nf=3 QCD at finite temperature and density by Wilson-Clover fermions
- Co-author in Grassmann tensor renormalization group for the lattice Gross-Neveu model with finite chemical potential
- Co-author in Optimization of Lattice QCD with CG and multi-shift CG on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor
- Co-author in Tensor renormalization group analysis of CP(N-1) model in two dimensions
- Co-author in Towards the continuum limit of the critical endline of finite temperature QCD
Yusuke Taniguchi
- Author in Study of high density phase transition in lattice QCD with canonical approach
- Co-author in (2+1)-flavor QCD Thermodynamics from the Gradient Flow
- Co-author in 2+1 flavor QCD simulation near the physical point on a $96^4$ lattice
- Co-author in Beating the sign problem in finite density lattice QCD
- Co-author in Calculation of high-order cumulants with canonical ensemble method in lattice QCD
- Co-author in Exploring finite density QCD phase transition with canonical approach - Power of multiple precision computation -
- Co-author in Lattice QCD code set Bridge++ on arithmetic accelerators
- Co-author in Mass and Axial current renormalization in the Schr\"{o}dinger functional scheme for the RG-improved gauge and the stout smeared $O(a)$-improved Wilson quark actions.
- Yuya Tanizaki
- Nazario Tantalo
- Brian C. Tiburzi
- Terry E. Tomboulis
- Masaaki Tomii
- Akio Tomiya
- Csaba Torok
- Christian for the Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal collaboration Torrero
- Balint Toth
- Doug Toussaint
- Shan-Wen Tsai
Justus Tobias Tsang
- Author in Charm Physics at the physical point
- Co-author in Neutral D-Meson Mixing near the Charm Mass
- Asato Tsuchiya
- Hidekazu Tsukiji
- Kimmo Tuominen
- Kimmo Tuominen
- Sara Tähtinen
- Pascal Törek
- satoru ueda
- Akira Ukawa
Naoya Ukita
- Author in 2+1 flavor QCD simulation near the physical point on a $96^4$ lattice
- Co-author in Lattice QCD code set Bridge++ on arithmetic accelerators
- Co-author in Mass and Axial current renormalization in the Schr\"{o}dinger functional scheme for the RG-improved gauge and the stout smeared $O(a)$-improved Wilson quark actions.
- Maksim Ulybyshev
- Takashi Umeda
- Judah Unmuth-Yockey
- Mithat Unsal (North Carolina State University)
Carsten Urbach
- Co-author in Testing the Witten-Veneziano Formula on the Lattice
- Co-author in The Rho Resonance from N_f=2+1+1 Twisted Mass Lattice QCD
- Helvio Vairinhos
- Antonio Vairo
- Semen Valgushev
Karel Van Acoleyen
- Co-author in Hamiltonian simulation of lattice gauge theories
- Ruth Van de Water
- Alejandro Vaquero Avilés-Casco
Lukas Varnhorst
- Author in Nucleon-Sigma-Terms from Lattice QCD
- Jacobus Verbaarschot
- Edoardo Vescovi
- Pol Vilaseca
- Tassos Vladikas
- Georg von Hippel
- Georg von Hippel
- Lorenz von Smekal
Pavlos Vranas
- Co-author in Nuclear Parity Violation from Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Two-nucleon scattering in multiple partial waves
- Hiroaki Wada
- Björn Wagenbach
Marc Wagner
- Author in Combining ordinary and topological finite volume effects for fixed topology simulations
- Co-author in Computation of correlation matrices for tetraquark candidates with $J^P = 0^+$ and flavor structure $q_1 \bar{q_2} q_3 \bar{q}_3$
- Co-author in Exploring possibly existing qq-anti-b-anti-b tetraquark states with qq = ud, ss, cc
- Co-author in Mass spectrum of mesons containing charm quarks - continuum limit results from twisted mass fermions
- Masayuki Wakayama
- Andre Walker-Loud
Andre Walker-Loud
- Co-author in Two-nucleon scattering in multiple partial waves
- Zhanlin Wang
- Johannes Weber
- Evan Weinberg
- David Weir
- Bjoern Wellegehausen
- Urs Wenger
- Markus Werner
Tilo Wettig
- Author in Induced YM theory with auxiliary bosons
- Co-author in Adaptive algebraic multigrid on SIMD architectures
- Co-author in Multiple right-hand side setup for the DD-$\alpha$AMG
- Uwe-Jens Wiese
Andreas Wipf
- Co-author in Critical flavour number of the Thirring model in three dimensions
- Co-author in G(2)-QCD at finite temperature and density
- Christian Wittemeier
- Hartmut Wittig
- Hartmut Wittig
- Hartmut Wittig
Oliver Witzel
- Author in $B-\bar B$ mixing with domain-wall light quarks and relativistic $b$-quarks
- Co-author in Hadronic form factors for rare semi-leptonic $B$ decays
- Co-author in Improving our determinations of the decay constant $f_B$ and the $B\to\pi \ell \nu$ semi-leptonic form factors using physical light quarks
- Co-author in Probing near conformal dynamics with 4+8 and 8 flavors: running coupling and the spectrum
- Oliver Witzel
Carl Wolfe
- Co-author in Lattice input on the tau V_us puzzle
- Richard Woloshyn
- Mark Wurtz
- Masanobu Yahiro
Norikazu Yamada
- Author in Many flavor approach to study the nature of chiral phase transition of two-flavor QCD
- Co-author in Footprint of non-decoupling in chiral phase transition
- Co-author in Many flavor approach to study the critical point in finite density QCD
- Co-author in SU(2) gauge theory with domain-wall fermions in fundamental and adjoint representations
- Azusa Yamaguchi
- Arata Yamamoto
Ryo Yamamura
- Author in Renormalization of two-dimensional XQCD
- Nodoka Yamanaka
- Koichi Yamawaki
Takeshi Yamazaki
- Author in Light nuclei and nucleon form factors in N_f=2+1 lattice QCD
- Author in S-parameter and vector decay constant in QCD with eight fundamental fermions
- Author in SU(3) gauge theory with four degenerate fundamental fermions on the lattice
- Author in Topological observables in many-flavour QCD
- Author in Walking and conformal dynamics in many flavor QCD
- Co-author in 2+1 flavor QCD simulation near the physical point on a $96^4$ lattice
- Co-author in Mass and Axial current renormalization in the Schr\"{o}dinger functional scheme for the RG-improved gauge and the stout smeared $O(a)$-improved Wilson quark actions.
- yibo Yang
- Li-Ping Yang
- Hiroshi Yoneyama
- Boram Yoon
- Tomoteru Yoshie
- Tomoteru Yoshie
- Yusuke Yoshimura
- Ross Young
- Savvas Zafeiropoulos
James Zanotti
- Author in Hadron Structure from Lattice QCD
- Author in Improved Hadronic Matrix Element Determination Using the Variational Method
- Co-author in Applications of the Feynman–Hellmann theorem in hadron structure
- Co-author in Dashen's theorem and electromagnetic contributions to pseudoscalar meson masses
- Co-author in Improving the lattice axial vector current
- Jin Zhang
- Daiqian Zhang
- Ran Zhou
- Ran Zhou
- Christian Zielinski
- Peter Zoller
- Haiyuan Zou