14–18 Jul 2015
Kobe International Conference Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Optimizing the domain wall fermion Dirac operator using the R-Stream source-to-source compiler

14 Jul 2015, 15:00
406 (Kobe International Conference Center)


Kobe International Conference Center

6-9-1 Minatojima-nakamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0046, Japan
Talk Algorithms and Machines Algorithms and Machines


Dr Meifeng Lin (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


The application of the Dirac operator on a spinor field, the Dslash operation, is the most computation-intensive part of the lattice QCD simulations. It is often the key kernel to optimize to achieve maximum performance on various platforms. Here we report on a project to optimize the domain wall fermion Dirac operator in Columbia Physics System (CPS) using the R-Stream source-to-source compiler. Our initial target platform is the PC clusters. We discuss the optimization strategies involved before and after the automatic code generation with R-Stream and present some preliminary benchmark results.

Primary author

Dr Meifeng Lin (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Chulwoo Jung (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Eric Papenhausen (Stony Brook University) M. Harper Langston (Reservoir Labs) Richard Lethin (Reservoir Labs) Taku Izubuchi (RIKEN BNL Research Center)

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