PHENIX pre-QM2015 Collaboration Meeting

Okochi Hall (RIKEN Wako Campus)

Okochi Hall

RIKEN Wako Campus

Dave Morrison (BNL), Jamie Nagle (Univ. of Colorado at Boulder)
The Quark Matter 2015 meeting will be held from September 27 to October 3, 2015 at the Kobe Fashion Mart, Kobe, Japan:
As usual, the PHENIX Collaboration will hold a nearby pre-meeting to rehearse oral presentations and to hold an Institutional Board meeting:
Note that the overlap day of Sunday, September 27 is the Student Day in Kobe, but the morning may have final rehearsal sessions at RIKEN for those who are neither students nor lecturers.
Please plan to arrive at RIKEN on Thursday, September 24 (which for travel from the U.S. means departure on Wednesday, September 23, because a day is lost crossing the international date line). Recommended travel from RIKEN to Kobe is by high-speed train.
If you have any logistical or transportation questions about the preQM15 meeting (that are not answered on the website), please contact the local organizer: Yuji Goto <>.
The agenda of this meeting is empty