第13回RIBF討論会 「Single-particle states from one-nucleon removal reactions」

Room 338, Faculty of Science Bldg.1 (University of Tokyo)

Room 338, Faculty of Science Bldg.1

University of Tokyo

Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
The 13th RIBF discussion meeting on "Single-particle states from one-nucleon removal reactions” at the University of Tokyo on Friday, November 27th, 2015. Lecturers are Dr. K. Wimmer and Dr. K. Ogata. All the presentations are given in English. Please feel free to join us if you have interests.
Access: For access, see the web site here.
Language: English
Host: RIKEN Nishina Center
Local Organizers: T. Abe (Tokyo), M. Niikura (Tokyo)
Organizers: H.Z. Liang (RNC), T. Nakatsukasa (Tsukuba/RNC), D. Nishimura (TUS), M. Sasano (RNC), T. Uesaka (RNC), K. Yoshida (Niigata)