19–23 Jun 2017
Okochi Hall, RIKEN (Wako campus)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Covariant density functional theory with Fock terms—role of the non-local Fock terms

20 Jun 2017, 11:45
Okochi Hall, RIKEN (Wako campus)

Okochi Hall, RIKEN (Wako campus)

Building C32 (<a href="http://www.riken.jp/en/access/wako-map/">http://www.riken.jp/en/access/wako-map/</a>)


Prof. Wenhui Long


In this talk, I will briefly introduce the covariant density functional theory with Fock terms. Firstly I will briefly introduce the theory itself, including the backgound, history, and theoretical framework. Then the discussions will be concentrated on the role of Fock terms in nuclear structure, including the balance of nuclear force, the prediction of novel phenomena, and the nuclear tensor force. Finally, a short conclusion and perspective will be given.

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