Viscosities and electrical conductivity of QGP in strong magnetic fields
Daisuke Satow(Frankfurt Univ.)
Room 433, Main Research Building (RIKEN Wako)
Room 433, Main Research Building
Date: May 09 (Tue)
Time: 13:30 -
Place: Main Research bldg. 433
Speaker: Daisuke Satow (Frankfurt Univ.)
Title: Viscosities and electrical conductivity of QGP in strong magnetic fields
Abstract: We compute the transport coefficients in agnetohydrodynamics at finite temperature, in strong magnetic fields (B), which is expected to be generated in heavy ion collision. We use the lowest Landau level approximation, in which the 1-to-2 scattering process is kinematically allowed in contrast to the B=0 case. We find that this effect of the magnetic field is significant in the electrical conductivity and the bulk viscosity: These quantities become sensitive to the current quark mass, and we discuss its physical origin in terms of the chirality conservation and the conformal invariance. This presentation is partially based on Phys. Rev. D 94, 114032 (2016) and arXiv:1610.06839 [hep-ph].
QHP seminars