String field theory for tensionless strings and N=(2,0) superconformal theory in six-dimensions
Hidehiko Shimada(OIST)
Room 433, Main Research Building (RIKEN Wako)
Room 433, Main Research Building
Date: July 11 (Tue)
Time: 13:30 -
Place: Main Research bldg. 433
Speaker: Hidehiko Shimada (OIST)
String field theory for tensionless strings and N=(2,0) superconformal theory in six-dimensions
Existence of a six-dimensional conformal field theory with N=(2,0) supersymmetry is conjectured in 90's. The Lagrangian formulation of the theory still is an unsolved problem. The theory describes low energy excitations of coincident M5 branes, which are important but elusive objects in M-theory. The theory is believed to contain tensionless string degrees of freedom. We are trying to construct a light-cone gauge string field theory(SFT) for these tensionless strings. The SFT may serve as a Lagrangian formulation of the D=6 N=(2,0) CFT. The talk will be based on a work done in collaboration with Sudarshan Ananth(IISER Pune), Stefano Kovacs(Dublin IAS), Yuki Sato(Chulalongkorn University).
QHP seminars