Advanced Meson Science Lab's seminar: Investigations of nucleon and nuclei properties in electron scattering experiments at MAMI
424 (Main research bldg)
Main research bldg
=Date and Place=
May. 29th(Mon.) 15:00~ at Main research bldg.(room 424)
=Lecturer= Prof. Damir Bosnar
(University of Zagreb, Croatia)
"Investigations of nucleon and nuclei properties in electron scattering experiments at MAMI"
Mainz Microtron, MAMI, is continuous wave electron accelerator which delivers electron beam up to 1.5 GeV. The A1 collaboration at MAMI is using three high resolution magnetic spectrometers and several additional detector systems, such as neutron recoil polarimeter, short-orbit-spectrometer, silicon detector telescope and kaon spectrometer, for the high precision investigations of broad spectrum of nucleon and nuclei properties in electron scattering experiments. In this seminar several experiments with the research focus on electromagnetic form factors of proton and neutron, nucleon axial form factor, nucleon-nucleon correlations in nuclei and electroproduction of strangeness in nuclei will be presented.