RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar

Study on cluster states in unstable nuclei with alpha-resonant scattering

by Hidetoshi Yamaguchi (CNS, the University of Tokyo)

Room201 (RIBF Hall)




=Date and Place=

Jan.8th(Tue.) 13:30~ at RIBF Hall



Prof. Hidetoshi Yamaguchi

(Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo)



Study on cluster states in unstable nuclei with alpha-resonant scattering



Alpha resonant scattering is a simple and promising method to study alpha-cluster structure in nuclei. The method can be coupled with the thick-target in inverse kinematics (TTIK), which is particularly suitable for measurements with low-intensity RI beams. Several measurements with the alpha resonant scatterings under the TTIK have been performed at the RI beam separator CRIB, a low-energy RI beam separator of
Center for Nuclear Study (CNS), the University of Tokyo. One measurement was on the linear chain levels in the C-14 nucleus, predicted with the AMD calculaton by Suhara and En'yo. According to the prediction, these levels appear a few MeV or more above the 10Be+alpha threshold. The results of recent experiments to search the linear-chain levels at CRIB as well as other facilities are discussed.