4:50 PM
Study of the fission path energy of U-236 using microscopic mean-field model
Kazuki Fujio
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
4:50 PM
The origin of correlation between mass and angle in quasi-fission
Shota Amano
(Kindai University)
4:51 PM
Theoritical analysis of the fission process by ${}^\text{258}$Md
Shoma Ishizaki
(Kindai University)
4:55 PM
The fission fragments of neutron-rich nuclei by the Langevin method toward application to r-process calculations
Mizuki Okubayash
(Kindai University)
4:55 PM
Comparison of photon spectra emitted from fuel debris using different decay data libraries
Taichi Matsumura
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency )
4:55 PM
SCALE6.2 ORIGEN library produced from JENDL/AD-2017
Chikara Konno
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency )
4:55 PM
Neutron emission during fission process by dynamical model/
Ryota Yamasaki
(Kindai University)
4:55 PM
Theoretical evaluation of non-resonant background strength in binary breakup reaction
Riu Nakamoto
(Department of Pure and Applied physics, Kansai University)
4:56 PM
Evaluation of Neutron Nuclear Data on Cobalt-59 for JENDL-5
Iwamoto Nobuyuki
4:58 PM
Experimental plan for displacement damage cross sections using 120-GeV protons at FNAL
Yosuke Iwamoto
(Nuclear Science and Engineering Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) )
5:00 PM
Development of a neutron detector for nuclear data measurement using high-intensity neutron beam
Hideto Nakano
(Tokyo Institute of Technology )
5:00 PM
Experimental program of nuclear data for accelerator-driven nuclear transmutation system using FFAG accelerator – First subprogram: spallation neutron measurement
Keita Nakano
5:00 PM
Neutron Filtering System for Fast Neutron Cross-Section Measurement at ANNRI
Gerard Rovira Leveroni
5:02 PM
A New Method to Reduce Systematic Uncertainties of Capture Cross Section Measurement Using a Sample Rotation System
Yu Kodama
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
5:04 PM
Development of Absolute Epi-thermal and Fast Neutron Flux Intensity Detectors for BNCT
Kazushi Aoki
(Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.)
5:05 PM
Optimization of Activation Detector for Benchmark Experiment of Large-angle Elastic Scattering Reaction Cross Section by 14MeV Neutrons
Takehara Ryohei
(Graduate school of Engineering, Osaka University)
5:05 PM
Comparison of double-differential cross sections between JENDL/PD-2016.1 and experimental data for photo-neutron production of medium-heavy nuclei at 16.6 MeV
Kim Tuyet Tran
5:05 PM
Development of Evaluation Method of Uncertainty of Radioactivity by Propagating Nuclear Data Covariance for Clearance Verification in Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants
(Tokyo Institute of Technology )
5:05 PM
Nondestructive Determination of Water Content in Concrete Using Am-Be Neutron Source - Experimental Verification -
Yoshihiro Miyaji
(Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University Osaka )
5:10 PM
Nuclide production cross sections of natLu target irradiated with 0.4-, 1.3-, 2.2-, 3.0-GeV protons
Hayato Takeshita
(Kyushu University)
5:10 PM
Study on characteristics of neutron and γ-ray fields at compact neutron source RANS-II facility by simulation by the PHITS code
(RIKEN Nishina Center, Department of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University)
5:11 PM
Estimation of Flux and Residual Radioactivity for the COMET Phase-I Experiment
Naoki Tokunaga
(Kyushu University )
5:12 PM
Measurement of neutron total cross sections of Sn-Pb alloys in solid and liquid states
Takuya Uemura
(Kyoto University)
5:13 PM
Research for nuclear transmutation of high-radiotoxic nuclide $^{90}$Sr via proton- and deuteron-induced reactions
Riku Matsumura
(Saitama University )
5:14 PM
Production cross sections of 175Hf in the natLu(p,xn) and natLu(d,xn) reactions
Yukiko Komori
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
5:15 PM
Detection of Gamma Ray from Sort-Lived Fission Products at KUCA and KURNS-LINAC
yasushi nauchi
(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry )