Japan-Netherlands joint workshop: high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of cosmic plasmas


The study of cosmic plasmas in X-ray wavelength improves momentously with the launch of Chandra, XMM-Newton, Suzaku, and Hitomi. Even more exciting time is yet to come, with XRISM mission (to be launched in FY2022) and its followers. High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy with XRISM will open up a new, transformative research landscape in the science of hot plasma flow, metallicity circulation, accretion and outflow, and the evolution of hot baryons in and beyond galaxies. For this to happen, we need to make rapid improvements in plasma modeling, spectroscopic analysis technique, and precision laboratory astrophysical measurements. 
This workshop will be a mixed conference and school mainly targeted for young researchers including graduate students and postdocs: international experts in X-ray spectroscopy will give lectures and discuss the core science questions and the new parameter space expected with XRISM, which will be helpful for young researchers to develop potential science cases for the XRISM's first-round guest observations.

Registration form: https://forms.gle/J3YH5gZdFT9My2sC9

    • 1
      Opening remark
    • 2
      Lecture: Overview of cosmic hot plasmas and high resolution X-ray spectroscopy

      In this lecture I introduce high-resolution spectroscopy as a tool to study cosmic plasmas. I show several examples of cosmic X-ray sources and the typical spectra they have. The various types of cosmic plasmas (coronal, nebular, equilibrium, non-equilibrium) are introduced and the physical processes which are relevant for the formation of the spectra are discussed.

      Speaker: Jelle Kaastra (SRON/Leiden University)
    • 3
      Lecture: Atomic physics needed for XRISM

      A major fraction of the known visible matter in the Universe is in the form of hot plasmas of temperatures between 1e4 to 1e8 Kelvin. These plasmas are found in a broad range of environment and for a range of conditions, collisionally ionized, photoionized, and transiently ionized. The present and future generation of X-ray satellites offer an essential tool to diagnose the cosmic hot plasmas. As more high resolution X-ray spectra are becoming available, the astrophysical community urgently needs accurate theoretical models to interpret the data. This includes not only a plasma code, but also a substantial database of rates and wavelengths that
      could only be completed using theoretical calculations, supplemented by a small sets of key rates and wavelengths from laboratory results. This talk will present the state of the art plasma modeling and atomic database, together with further improvements that will be needed to fully exploit the future space missions, including in particular the upcoming XRISM but also Athena on a more distant horizon. I will also discuss how the present systematic uncertainties in atomic constants can affect the accuracies of scientific results obtained from the X-ray spectra.

      Speaker: Liyi Gu (SRON)
    • 22:35
    • 4
      Lecture: Introduction of SPEX/PySPEX with a short demo

      The SPEX spectral fitting package aims to provide users with a consistent atomic data and spectral modelling tool for high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy. In this lecture, I will give a general introduction about how to start using SPEX and where to find online help. It includes a hands-on demonstration of how to fit a simple model to an observed spectrum using the standard command-line interface. Recently, we added a Python interface to SPEX that allows a user to script a SPEX session. I will show how this new interface is used and what useful functions this adds to the SPEX fitting process. Toward the end of the lecture, I will summarize what other exercises new users can try to familiarize them more with SPEX and include it in their work.

      Speaker: Jelle de Plaa (SRON)
    • 5
      Lecture: Temperature and metallicity in the ICM

      The observations of hot gas, which fills gravitational potential from scales of galaxies to clusters of galaxies, are essential to study the structure formation of the Universe and feedback from galaxies to intergalactic space. Under the cold dark matter cosmology, galaxies and clusters of galaxies grow by accretion of matter from their surroundings. The accreting gas is expected to be heated to the virial temperature by shock waves generated by mass accretion. In addition, on a galaxy scale, supernovae (SNe) and active galactic nuclei (AGN) are expected to supply energies and metals into the intergalactic medium.
      In clusters of galaxies, the thermal structure of the hot intracluster medium (ICM) provides a record of energy feedback. The ICM also provides a reservoir storing metals ever ejected from member galaxies, which are mostly early-type and have a different chemical evolution history from Milky Way. The abundances of various elements allow us to study the nature of the stellar population of the cluster galaxies and their initial mass function, as well as information about the physics of SN Ia explosions.I will review how high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy provides detailed plasma diagnostics to measure temperatures and metal abundances, and helps to study the evolution of galaxies and clusters.

      Speaker: Kyoko Matsushita (Tokyo University of Science)
    • 6
      Contributed talk: Chemical enrichment in the Centaurus cluster

      Active and continuous element supplies into the intracluster medium (ICM) from brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) makes the cool-core of galaxy clusters ideal targets to study chemical enrichment in the ICM. Here we present results from over 500 kiloseconds Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of the cool-core of the Centaurus cluster. The metal abundances of O, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, and Fe show a sharp drop within the central 18 arcsec region. The abundance ratios of these elements show flat radial distributions from the centre to 240 arcsec radius. We find that the Ne/Fe abundance profile is also flat using RGS data onboard XMM-Newton. In addition, a much higher Fe abundance model without an abundance drop also reproduces the spectra of the innermost region, excluding the Fe L complex around 1.2 keV. These results indicate that the abundance drop may be artificially caused by some systematic uncertainties in the atomic data, rather than the metal depletion process into the cold dust. With RGS, the derived N/O abundance ratio in the cool-core is consistent with the expected values in stellar winds. The derived Mg abundance is comparable to the stellar metallicity observed in early-type galaxies with optical observations. The abundances of lighter elements imply the gas expelled by stellar mass loss is dominant around NGC 4696, the BCG of the cluster. Although the Si, S, Ar, Ca, Cr, Mn to Fe ratios are close to the solar values, O, Ne, and Mg to Fe ratios tend to be lower, and the Ni/Fe ratio is higher than the solar ratios. This abundance pattern suggests a significant contribution of Type Ia supernovae to the chemical enrichment history in the Centaurus cluster core.

      Speaker: Kotaro Fukushima (Tokyo University of Sciencen)
    • 22:00
    • 7
      Lecture: Dynamics of the intra-cluster medium

      The detailed velocity structure of the diffuse X-ray emitting intra-cluster medium (ICM) remains one of the last missing key ingredients in understanding the microphysical properties of these hot baryons and constraining our models of the growth and evolution of structure on the largest scales in the Universe. Direct measurements of the gas velocities from the widths and shifts of X-ray emission lines were provided for the central region of the Perseus Cluster of galaxies by Hitomi, and upcoming high-resolution X-ray microcalorimeters onboard XRISM and Athena are expected to extend these studies to many more systems. In the mean time, several other direct and indirect methods have been proposed for estimating the velocity structure in the ICM, ranging from resonant scattering to X-ray surface brightness fluctuation analysis, the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect, or using optical line emitting nebulae in the brightest cluster galaxies as tracers of the motions of the ambient plasma. I will review and compare the existing estimates of the velocities of the hot baryons, as well as the various overlapping physical processes that drive motions in the ICM, and discuss the implications of these measurements for constraining the viscosity and identifying the source of turbulence in clusters of galaxies.

      Speaker: Aurora Simionescu (SRON/Leiden University)
    • 8
      Contributed talk: Connections between X-ray and radio phenomena in galaxy clusters

      During the mergers of galaxy clusters, gas motions in the intracluster medium (ICM) such as shocks and turbulence in the accelerate cosmic rays (CRs). Synchrotron emission from accelerated CRs is detected as extended cluster radio sources such as radio relic, radio halo, and radio phoenix. The synergy between X-ray and radio observations will help us constrain the non-thermal phenomena in galaxy clusters. I will show recent X-ray and radio results of ClG 0217+70, which is the largest span radio halo-relic system ever discovered. Meanwhile, I will also present X-ray properties of Planck SZ clusters covered by the forthcoming second data release of LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey.

      Speaker: Xiaoyuan Zhang (SRON)
    • 9
      Contributed talk: A shock near the virial radius of the Perseus Cluster

      Previous X-ray studies of the Perseus Cluster revealed a particularly steep decrease in the projected temperature profile near the virial radius (~ r200) along the northwest (NW). Combining four new Suzaku observations on the northwest outskirts of the Perseus Cluster, we have carefully investigated this interesting region by analyzing the spectra of various annuli and extracting projected thermodynamic profiles. We find that the projected temperature profile shows a break near r200, indicating a shock with M = 1.9 ± 0.3. Corresponding discontinuities are also found in the projected emission measure and the density profiles at the same location. This evidence of a shock front so far away from the cluster center is unprecedented, and may provide a first insight into the properties of large-scale virial shocks which shape the process of galaxy cluster growth.

      Speaker: Zhenlin Zhu (SRON)
    • 10
      Lecture: Thermal and Nonthermal properties of supernova remnants

      Supernova remnants (SNRs) provide thermal and kinetic energies and heavy elements, as well as high energy particles, into the space. In other words, SNRs provides diversity of the universe. Heated ejecta and interstellar material emit thin thermal X-rays with emission lines, which tell us the plasma condition such as density, temperature, and ionization time scale, abundance pattern, and Doppler information. We will summary the emission mechanism of thermal emission shortly, and how we can derive information on the origin of SNRs and shock physics by observations with superb energy resolution.
      We also discuss that high energy resolution observations are also useful to understand the injection energy to accelerated particles.

      Speakers: Aya Bamba (University of Tokyo), Satoru Katsuda (Saitama University)
    • 11
      Contributed talk: Probing the CSM Properties in the Supernova Remnant RX J1713.7-3946 through High-resolution X-ray Spectroscopy

      The estimation of the chemical abundance ratio of ejecta and circumstellar material of supernova remnant (SNR) with high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy is a very important probe to understand the nature of the progenitor stars. We report on a discovery of an X-ray emitting circumstellar material knot inside the synchrotron dominant SNR RX J1713.7-3946. This knot was previously thought to be a Wolf-Rayet star (WR 85), but we realized that it is in fact ~40'' away from WR 85, indicating no relation to WR 85. We performed high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy with the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) onboard XMM-Newton. The RGS spectrum clearly resolves a number of emission lines, such as N VII, O VIII, Fe XVIII, Ne X, Mg XI, and Si XIII. The spectrum can be well represented by an absorbed thermal emission model with a temperature of kT=0.65+/-0.02 keV. The elemental abundances are obtained to be N/H=3.5+/-0.8 (N/H)solar, O/H=0.5+/-0.1 (O/H)solar, Ne/H=0.9+/-0.1 (Ne/H)solar, Mg/H=1.0+/0.1 (Mg/H)solar, Si/H=1.0+/-0.2 (Si/H)solar, and Fe/H=1.3+/-0.1 (Fe/H)solar. The enhanced N abundance with others being about the solar values allows us to infer that this knot is circumstellar material ejected when the progenitor star evolved into a red supergiant. The abundance ratio of N to O is obtained to be N/O=6.8_{2.1}^{+2.5}(N/O)solar. By comparing this to those in outer layers of red supergiant stars expected from stellar evolution simulations, we estimate the initial mass of the progenitor star that produced RX J1713.7-3946 to be about 15-20M_sun. Finally, we also present the expected result of the ISM density in the northwestern shell, as well as the chemical abundance and line width of ejecta and CSM from the future observations of this SNR with XRISM/Resolve, based on the observation simulation.

      Speaker: Dai Tateishi (Saitama University)
    • 22:10
    • 12
      Lecture: X-ray spectroscopy of supernova remnants, past highlights and prospects for the future

      In this talk I will present some examples of the use of X-ray spectroscopy to characterise the plasma properties in supernova remnants, and how they inform us about the shock heating process and composition of supernova ejecta. Particular emphasis will be given to the results that were obtained with the XMM-Newton and Chandra gratings. Measuring spectra with these gratings the spectra of extended objects is difficult, and is best suited for either small remnants, such as in the Magellanic Clouds, or characterising the properties of small knots in larger objects.
      Grating spectroscopy was successful for a number of LMC/SMC remnants, but also SN 1006, RCW 86, Cas A, and most recently Kepler’s SNR.
      Finally, I will discuss the prospects for observing supernova remnants with the XRISM Resolve experiment, with emphasis on Cas A, and the prospects of odd-element detection and finding clues for dust destruction.

      Speaker: Jacco Vink (Amsterdam University/SRON)
    • 13
      Contributed talk: Galaxy cluster photons alter the ionization state of the nearby Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM)

      The physical properties of the faint and extremely tenuous plasma in the far outskirts of galaxy clusters, the circumgalactic media of normal galaxies, and filaments of the cosmic web, remain one of the biggest unknowns in our story of large-scale structure evolution. Modeling the spectral features due to emission and absorption from this very diffuse plasma poses unique challenges, as both collisional and photo-ionisation processes must be accounted for.
      In this paper we study the ionisation by galaxy cluster photons in addition to the photo-ionisation by the cosmic UV/X-ray background and its impact on the ionisation balance. We model realistic spectra by taking into account the cosmic UV/X-ray background together with the emission from three different cool-core galaxy clusters: A$262$, A$1795$ and A$2029$, and illuminate the photo-ionised gas in the galaxy cluster vicinity. We assume the gas has temperatures between $10^{-3}$--$1$\,keV ($\approx 10^4$--$10^7$\,K), densities between $10^{-6}$--$10^{-1}$\,cm$^{-3}$ and can be located between $r_{500}$ and $\sim 13$\,Mpc from the cluster center. We find that depending on the distance from the galaxy cluster and the plasma properties, the total photo-ionisation rate can be higher than $10$\% or \textcolor{red}{even $100$\%} of the total ionization rate. We show how this affects the ionisation fractions of \ion{C}{IV}, \ion{C}{V}, \ion{C}{VI}, \ion{N}{VII}, \ion{O}{VI}, \ion{O}{VII}, \ion{O}{VIII}, \ion{Ne}{VIII}, \ion{Ne}{IX} and \ion{Fe}{XVII} ions and compare it with the ionization fractions with photo-ionization from cosmic background only as well as with plasma that is in collisional ionisation equilibrium. We assume a simplified model of a cosmic web filament and predict the column densities for different lines of sight.

      Speaker: Lydia Stofanova (SRON)
    • 14
      Lecture: AGN Science with High-resolution X-ray Spectroscopy

      Understanding the origin of the co-evolution between galaxies and supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in their centers is a key topic in modern astronomy. To answer this question, observations of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are crucial, because they represent the rapidly growing phases of SMBHs. X-rays are able to trace matter with various physical conditions, and hence give the least biased view of all material including gas and dust around an SMBH. In this talk, after general introduction of remaining questions on AGNs, we mainly focus on two issues to be addressed with high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy: (1) structures of AGN "tori" and (2) physics of disk winds including ultra-fast outflows. These observations provide important clues to understand the mechanisms of AGN feeding and feedback, which would regulate the coevolution of SMBHs and host galaxies.

      Speaker: Yoshihiro Ueda (Kyoto University)
    • 15
      Contributed talk: Spectral-timing of AGN ionized outflows with Athena

      Spectral-timing techniques have proven valuable in studying the interplay between the X-ray corona and the accretion disc in variable active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Such systems often contain ionized outflows, revealing themselves through absorption features in the X-ray spectra of the ionizing radiation. These signatures of the absorbers can also show timing behaviour, set by their physical properties. We present simulations of ionized outflows in a highly variable AGN and demonstrate the capabilities of spectral-timing techniques applied to future observations of the Athena X-ray observatory. Our findings show that the spectral-timing analysis can provide valuable constraints on the location and energetics of AGN outflows over a broad range of gas ionization.

      Speaker: Anna Juranova (SRON)
    • 22:00
    • 16
      Lecture: The X-ray view of interstellar dust

      I present and overview on X-ray spectroscopy of interstellar dust (ID).
      The X-rays have unique advantages which makes these studies fundamental to acquire a complete picture on the ID chemistry. For example sharp and deep absorption features of Mg, Si, O and Fe, which are the building blocks of silicates, fall in the X-ray band.
      The shift and the structure of the absorption features are different for different absorbing dust grains. Such absorption features can in principle reveal the chemical composition, crystallinity and side of the intervening dust.
      However, in order to interpret the astronomical data, reliable laboratory characterisation of interstellar dust analogues are necessary. Here I present also how we carried out a large laboratory campaign, in order to obtain for the first time a complete and homogenous set of measurements in the X-ray band. This studies will have a tremendous development with XRISM fist and Athena later.

      Speaker: Elisa Costantini (SRON)
    • 17
      Lecture: X-ray spectral and timing analyses for the physics of neutron stars

      Neutron stars are an attractive target for their fundamental physics, such as high-density nuclear physics inside, magnetospheric plasma outside the star, and strong gravitational and radiation fields. In addition, they are known to have a wide variety of species and are important objects that appear in various aspects of time-domain astronomy. Although the information from the emission or absorption lines is somehow limited compared to optically-thin environments such as supernova remnants and clusters of galaxies, they can be a little-known great science spot in the XRISM satellite using iron lines. In this talk, I will give an introductory lecture for beginners unfamiliar with neutron stars, introduce basic knowledge of neutron stars, and review spectroscopic observations in X-rays and time variability analysis using periodic pulse signals.

      Speaker: Teruaki Enoto (RIKEN)
    • 18
      Lecture: Laboratory astrophysics using EBIT for coronal hot plasma

      In high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy, spectral models and atomic data can be a major source of systematic uncertainty. Therefore, it is important to verify these with laboratory measurements. In addition, if X-ray spectra from astrophysical plasmas can be simulated in a controlled laboratory environment, it can help us predict future spectroscopic observations. These experiments are called laboratory astrophysics. Laboratory astrophysics experiments for X-ray spectroscopy have been performed using a plasma device called an electron beam ion trap (EBIT). In this talk, I will introduce EBIT and show some examples of laboratory astrophysics experiments using EBIT.

      Speaker: Makoto Sawada (RIKEN)
    • 19
      Contributed talk: Three-dimensional structure modeling of an early merging cluster, CIZA J1358.9-4750

      Merging clusters of galaxies, which are objects emerging during the Large-scale structure formation process, converts large amounts of gravitational energy into gas heating and even non-thermal energy such as turbulence, particle acceleration and magnetic field amplification which emits synchrotron radiation. However, how much of this energy is distributed to each component is not well known. In order to
      estimate the energy input and compare with energy outputs, we need to understand the structure of galaxy clusters at various merger stages. An early phase merging cluster, CIZA J1358.9 -4750 (hereafter CIZA J1359) is located very close (z=0.07) and is a major merger with a mass ratio of almost one. The southeast and northwest clusters are separated by ~1.4 Mpc in the sky, and Suzaku observations showed that
      there is a candidate shock wave of Mach 1.4 in the middle of the bridging structure between the two clusters (Kato+ 2016). The post-shock region is also one of the brightest post-shock regions known to date. In this study, we attempted to clarify
      the 3D structure of CIZA 1359 to determine how much amount of kinetic energy is distributed.
      We made a 2D temperature map of CIZA J1359 by dividing it into small regions. While we confirmed that the two clusters are relatively undistorted except for the bridge region, we found that the high-temperature region in the center of the bridge extends over a width of 700 kpc. In other words, the shock identified in the Suzaku data is the southeast end of the hot region, and there is also another shock wave candidate to the northwest. The pseudo-density map shows a low-density region in between the two shocks. This structure is sometimes called "channel", and has been reported in several clusters of galaxies, including A85 (Ichinohe+ 2015). We calculated the Mach numbers from the temperature and density in these two shock fronts, but the two values were inconsistent.
      To tackle this problem, we made a toy-model geometry assuming that the hot ("shocked") and cold ("un-shocked") components overlap in the line of sight, and constructed a simple 3D model to determine the depth in line of sight of the hot region. Here, cold region was modeled by extrapolating the undisturbed cluster models of the two clusters. We also tied the kT-density relation using Rankine-Hugoniot equation. As a result, we found a 3D model which can consistently reproduce the 2D temperature map and the shock condition. The post shock region thus estimated near the shock waves has a depth of ~1 Mpc. The post shock temperature is estimated to be 7.0 keV and a density as 8.0×10-4 cm-3.
      Using this post-shock condition and assuming it is roughly uniform, the shock waves' age was calculated to be 360 Myr, and the total kinetic energy to be 3.9×1060 erg. The y-parameter calculated from this 3D model is consistent with the y-parameter observed in Planck within the temperature fluctuations of CMB radiation, although its limited angular resolution and fluctuation does not allow further investigation. We expect that detectors with high energy resolution will solve various problems such as turbulence energy estimation.

      Speaker: Yuki Omiya (Nagoya University)
    • 22:00
    • 20
      Lecture: Cryogenic X-ray spectrometers

      Cryogenic X-ray spectrometers are one of the most promising instruments for future astronomical applications including XRISM Resolve and Athena X-IFU instruments.
      Cryogenic spectrometers work at low temperatures (~100 mK) and measure the change in their temperature due to X-ray photon hit on the sensor. Cryogenic spectrometers are able to provide a nice spectral resolution up to 1 eV at 6 keV and imaging capability by making large number pixel array.
      In this contribution, we introduce the basics of the cryogenic (thermal equilibrium) spectrometers, its state-of-art results and prospects for the coming 10-20 years.

      Speaker: Hiroki Akamatsu (SRON)
    • 21
      Contributed talk: Measuring metal abundances in galaxy groups: challenges and prospects

      The collisionally ionised plasma pervading galaxy clusters and groups is rich in metals, and measuring their abundances is the key to understand chemical enrichment at play at the largest scales of the Universe. While in galaxy clusters these metals are seen essentially though their well-known K-shell transitions (in particular the Fe-K line at ~6.4 keV), chemical signatures the cooler temperature regime of galaxy groups (and even isolated giant elliptical galaxies) are seen primarily through the Fe-L line complex, peaking typically between 0.7-1.4 keV. This Fe-L complex is both a blessing - as its line emission allows to detect hot atmospheres at these temperatures - and a curse - as these transitions are very complex and very often unresolved by our current X-ray instruments. In this talk, we will tackle this problematic in more detail, focusing on the biases on abundances that can possibly arise from traditional spectral fitting methods. We will then discuss the potential improvements - and related challenges - offered by micro-calorimeters onboard the next generation of X-ray observatories.

      Speaker: Francois Mernier (ESA/ESTEC)
    • 22
      Closing remark