RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar

The Physics at RHIC

by Dr Yasuyuki Akiba (RHIC Physics Research Group, RNC, RIKEN)


=Date and Place=

May 24th (Tue) 2022  , 13:30~ via ZOOM meeting system


Dr. Yasuyuki Akiba (Chief Scientist, RHIC Physics Research Group, RNC, RIKEN )


The Physics at RHIC


The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is a colliding beam accelerator in Brookhaven National Laboratory, U.S.A. RHIC can collide heavy nuclei, proton and nucleus, deuteron and nucleus, and polarized protons. In collisions of heavy nucleus, a hot and dense matter called quark-gluon plasma is produced and its properties are studied. In polarized p+p collisions, the spin structure of the proton is studies. In this talk, I summarize the physics at RHIC.