RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar

Decay data evaluation at the LNHB

by Dr Sylvain Leblond (CEA/LNHB)


=Date and Place=

Oct. 20th (Fri) 2023  , 13:30~  via Hybrid (Zoom + RIBF Hall)


Dr.  Sylvain Leblond (CEA/LNHB)


Decay data evaluation at the LNHB


For more than 50 years, the LaboratoireNational Henri Becquerel, the French laboratory in charge of ionizing radiation metrology, has been involved in the evaluation of decay data. In particular, the LNHB has been coordinating the Decay Data Evaluation Project (DDEP): an international collaboration providing easy-to-use and reliable decay data recommendations for non-specialists. Founded in 1994 by the German and French National Metrology Institutes, this collaboration has since grown with the addition of American, Chinese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and English laboratories. Beyond the initial framework of metrology, DDEP recommendations are now used in a wide range of applications, from fundamental physics to nuclear medicine and reactor residual power monitoring. This seminar will present an overview of the Nuclear Decay Data pipeline and the genesis of the DDEP collaboration. The methodology used for decay data evaluation as well as publication process will be detailed. The different means of dissemination of the recommendations will be listed, in particular those set up on the new LNHB website. Finally, the recent evaluation of 137Cs will be detailed as a pedagogical example.