10–12 Dec 2024
Nihon university
Asia/Tokyo timezone

NuSTAR and MAXI: capturing transient sources near the Sun

10 Dec 2024, 11:40
20m 10-1


Sean Pike (UC, San Diego)


MAXI provides all-sky monitoring in the X-ray band, identifying multiple new sources each year, but a fraction of these transient sources falls too close to the Sun for most X-ray observatories to safely perform rapid follow-up observations. NuSTAR, however, is able to observe sources with much smaller angular separation from the Sun than other observatories, making it a uniquely capable tool for capturing X-ray transient data that would otherwise go unobserved. I will present recent results which have been achieved by performing rapid NuSTAR follow-up of X-ray transients discovered near the Sun by MAXI, including measurements of the spin and inclination of a faint black hole X-ray binary, and hints at an anomalously high magnetic field in a slow-spinning neutron star Be X-ray binary. I will also discuss the analysis challenges that come with observing near the Sun with NuSTAR, as well as the importance of monitoring newly discovered X-ray sources at multiple stages of their evolving outbursts.

Primary author

Sean Pike (UC, San Diego)

Presentation materials
