MAXI is one of the most successful astronomy mission satellites which discovered 14 Galactic X-ray binaries to date. We studied the accretion flow properties of 7 black hole candidates (BHCs; such as MAXI J1659-152, MAXI J1836-194, MAXI J1543-564, MAXI J1535-571, MAXI J1348-630, MAXI J1813-095, MAXI J1910-057) using one of the generalized physical accretion flow models, namely Two-component advective flow (TCAF) model. One can directly extract information about two types of accretion (Keplerian disk and sub-Keplerian halo) rates, and shock parameters(location and strength) from spectral analysis with this model in XSPEC. The variation of these physical flow parameters along with temporal properties such as variation of hardness-ratios, and the nature of observed quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) provided us with a clear picture of flow dynamics of the transient BHCs during the outbursts. It also allows us to understand the evolution of the spectral states during the outbursts. Estimation of intrinsic source parameters of these newly discovered BHCs is done from our detailed study. From our spectral study, estimation of X-ray fluxes contributed by jets/outflows in some of the above BHCs is also done after introduction of an innovative method. The nature of the jet is also studied.