Chair: M. Sugizaki (Kanazawa U.)
This presentation will review the main, unique, contributions of the INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, INTEGRAL, to time domain astronomy.
Orbital phase-resolved spectroscopy of High Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) allow detailed probe of the X-ray reprocessing environment and line of sight absorption of the X-rays by the stellar wind through different lines of sights in the binary. Same study, when carried out at different intensity levels of a given binary system allows probes of the changes in the reprocessing/absorption agents...
Be X-ray binaries (BeXRBs) consist of a Be star (a massive star with a circumstellar disk) and a neutron star. They constitute a prominent subclass within the category of high-mass X-ray binaries, characterized by their transient nature. These binaries intermittently exhibit X-ray outbursts, whereas the rest of the time they remain quiescent. On the transition between these two X-ray activity...
Advanced timing studies of archival data from ASCA, Suzaku, NuSTAR, and XMM-Newton are opening several novel aspects of magnetars. (1a) Representative 7 magnetars were found to be axially deformed to 10^{-4}, and performs free precession. (1b) The deformation is due to internal magnetic pressure, with the internal (toroidal) magnetic fields reaching 10^{16} G (Makishima+24a, 24b). (2a) The...