東原子分子物理研究室では,下記の通り来る12月2日に 理研シンポジウム「第2回拡がる原子分子物理研究: 先端光技術で切り開く新しい原子分子物理」を開催致します. 皆様ご多忙とは思いますが,是非ご参加下さい. [The aim] During the last decade we have witnessed a dramatic progress in the field of both laser physics and atomic collision physics. The two communities share a lot of overlapping interests and objectives in common, while the underlying methodologies and technologies of them are quite different. We consider that fertile frontiers at the boundary of these two fields should be explored. The aim of this symposium is to bring together these two communities, stimulating the exchange of knowledge and opening up a new research field.
Ohkouchi Hall, RIKEN