
Strangeness Nuclear Physics Seminar:Composite and elementary natures of hadrons

by Dr Hideko Nagahiro (Nara Women's University)

Main Research Bldg. #213

Main Research Bldg. #213

Title : Composite and elementary natures of hadrons -- Study of mixing properties of a1(1260) -- One of recent interests in the hadron structure is whether hadrons are made up of quarks and gluons confined in a single-particle potential as described in the conventional quark model, or rather develop subcomponents of quark-clusters inside hadrons. It has been suggested that some hadronic resonances could have substantially large components of hadronic composites. In view of the fact that hadronic resonant states are unavoidably mixture of hadronic and quark-composites, an important issue is to clarify how these components are mixed in a hadron. In this talk, we focus on hadron structure having two components of hadronic composite and elementary component, by taking the a1(1260) meson as an example. The problem is analyzed in a manner similar to a two-level problem with mixing in quantum mechanics. We propose a method to disentangle their mixture appearing in the physically observed state.