
[The 33rd Nuclear Theory Seminar]Study of tetrahedral nuclear states by quantum nubmer projection method

by Prof. Yoshifumi Shimizu (Kyushu University)

201 (2F Conference room, RIBF building)


2F Conference room, RIBF building

Speaker: Prof. Yoshifumi Shimizu (Kyushu Univ.) Date: Dec. 22 (Thu), 11:00- Place: 2F Conference room, RIBF building Abstract: Exotic tetrahedral nuclear states are predicted to appear in low excitation energy near the ground state of some specific nuclei. This is because of the large shell-energy gain due to high-degeneracy of single-particle orbits, which results from the higher point-group symmetry of the tetrahedral shape. In order to confirm the existence of such exotic states spectroscopic information is very important. In this seminar, we report on our recent study of the excitation spectra associated with the tetrahedral shape by using the general quantum number projection method.