
Future experimental programs with polarized targets/beams at KoRIA

by Prof. Wooyoung Kim (Kyungpook National University)

Nishina Hall

Nishina Hall

Korean government has recently announced its decision to build the Korean Radioactive Ion-beam Accelerator(KoRIA). Pre conceptual design was prepared in 2010 and more detailed Conceptual Design Report will be made in 2012 polishing the p-CDR. The scientific program using KoRIA includes both basic science and applied science. The nuclear physics group at Kyungpook National University has been engaged in spin-dependent electron scattering experiments at Jefferson Lab. With this experience, the group is motivated to actively participate in spin physics experiments with RI beams. This talk will introduce the design scheme of the KoRIA, its scientific programs and facility to be built. The development status of polarized 3He and 129Xe at KNU will be shown. Present status of some of the world’s spin physics experiments with polarized targets/RI beams will be reviewed. Also efforts to implement the spin physics program at KoRIA will be presented.