Lecturer: Dr. Masatoshi Itoh
CYRIC Detector Group, Tohoku University
Title: Evidence for the new excited state in 12C and its structure
The Carbon-12 nucleus has a state which plays an important role in the
nuclear synthesis heavier than Carbon-12 in the universe, which is often
refered to as the "Hoyle state".
The structure of the Hoyle state is even now a matter to attract many
theoretical/experimental nuclear physicists. The most approvable solution is that the Hoyle state has a dilute gas-like structure where three alpha
particles are weakly coulpled and spread as about twice of the ground state according to the alpha-cluster model.
In this seminar, besides many historical and latest researches on the Hoyle
state, our experimental study of the 2+ excited Hoyle state which is newly
founded is presented. This 2+ state is considered to have a similar stucture to the Hoyle state and may be a piece of the puzzle on the Hoyle state.
This seminar will be given in English.