RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar:A new experimental technique to measure the charge-exchange (p,n) reaction with RI beams
DrMasaki Sasano(Spin Isospin Lab., RNC)
Nishiha Hall
Nishiha Hall
The Gamow-Teller (GT) transition is the simplest excitation mode of atomic nuclei reflecting the interplay between spin and isospin degrees of freedom. Their strengths are extensively studied to understand nuclear structures as well as to reliably estimate the weak-interactions rates of astrophysical interest. Experimentally, a powerful probe to study GT transitions has been provided by the charge-exchange reactions at intermediate energies such as the (p,n), (3He,t) rections. Until recently, however, such studies have been restricted to stable nuclei, or to a few low-lying states in a limited number of light unstable nuclei, because of experimental difficulties. In this talk, we present a new experimental technique to measure the (p,n) reaction on any unstable nuclei and up to any excitation energy region, and its first application to study the GT transitions from one of the most important nuclei in astrophysics, 56Ni. To employ the developed experimental method in conjunction with a high-intensity RI beam provided by RIKEN RI beam facility will provide a unique opportunity to study exotic properties of unstable nuclei near the proton/neutron drip lines through their GT transitions.