RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar

RIBF Nuclear Physics 136th: Physics and the Prospects of EIC/eRHIC Project

by Dr Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook Univ. / RIKEN BNL Research Center)

Nishina Hall

Nishina Hall

QCD is without any doubt the correct theory of the Strong Interactions in the Standard Model of Physics. However, even after many decades of experimental and theoretical effort in understanding the structure of hadrons, and nuclei, including the partonic dynamics inside them, our knowledge and understanding of QCD remains unsatisfactory, both at low and high energies. The role of gluons, which constitute most of the distinguishing features of QCD in comparison with QED, in determining properties of nuclei and of hadrons including their properties such as spin and mass, remains particularly elusive and enigmatic. The future polarized electron ion collider (EIC) in the US is designed to conduct a precision study of gluons and sea quarks in QCD. In this talk we will present the scientific case for the EIC project in the US and present the status and proposed path towards its realization.