RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar

RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar:SLOWRI2.0: An advanced universal slow RI beam facility and its applications

by Dr Michiharu Wada (RNC)

RIBF Conference Hall

RIBF Conference Hall

A universal slow RI-beam facility based on the rf-carpet ion guide method was long ago proposed as a principal facility for RIBF. The facility could provide slow or trapped RI of all elements provided by BigRIPS, since no chemical process are involved in the production, deceleration or cooling processes. Additionally, the purity of RI can be be much better than any ISOL or fragmentation facilities since two orthogonal separation methods -- A/Z by BigRIPS and A by an electromagnetic mass separator -- are to be employed. In the recently proposed Advanced SlowRI plan, one more important feature is added: parasitic slow RI-beams. These will allow for SlowRI to operate everyday that BigRIPS is in operation. This is an important prerequisite to performing comprehensive measurements of the static properties of RI produced at RIBF. The principle, possible applications and the actual construction plan of the facility in FY2012 will be introduced.