日時 time:
6月8日(金) 13:30から一時間程度
June 8th (Fri), 13:30-
場所 place:
room 248, Main research building
講師 lecturer:
藤川 和男 氏(理研) (Dr. Kazuo Fujikawa, RIKEN)
講演タイトル title:
Lorentz invariant CPT violation: Particle and antiparticle mass
講演アブストラクト abstract:
The interpretation of neutrino oscillation data has led to the
question whether, in principle, an antiparticle like antineutrino
can have a different mass than its particle. In the framework of
a Lorentz invariant CPT violation, which is based on the nonlocal
interaction vertex and characterized by the infrared divergent
form factor, we present an explicit Lagrangian model for the
fermion and antifermion mass splitting.
Ref. M.. Chaichian, K. Fujikawa and A. Tureanu, arXiv:1203.0267, (to
appear in Phys. Lett. B).
講演言語 Language:English