
special lecture and seminar announcement @ Hongo campus, Univ. of Tokyo

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Colleagues, The following is the special lecture and seminar announcement. Please feel free to join us. Best regards, Takashi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special lecture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lecturer: Ryoji Okamoto (Professor Emeritus, Kyushu Institute of Technology) Title: "Nucleon-nucleon interaction and effective interaction" Place: Room 201a, Faculty of Science Build.1, Hongo, University of Tokyo Date: 7/4(Wed): 13:00 - 14:30, 14:50 - 16:20 7/5(Thu): 10:30 - 12:00, 13:00 - 14:30, 14:50 - 16:20 (seminar) 7/6(Fri): 10:30 -12:00, 13:00 - 14:30, 14:50 - 16:20 The details can be found at the following web site: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seminar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lecturer: Dr. Ryoji Okamoto (Professor Emeritus, Kyushu Institute of Technology) Date: July 5th (Thursday) 14:50 - 16:20 Place: Room 201a, Faculty of Science Build.1, Hongo, University of Tokyo Title: Recursion method for deriving effective interaction and its application to eigenvalue problem Abstract: It is often useful to recast the full many-body problem of a quantum system described by a Hamiltonian $H$ in the form of the effective interaction acting within a chosen model space. The central problem of the effective-interaction theory is how to calculate the so-called $\widehat Q$ box introduced by Kuo et al. We first show that the Hamiltonian $H$ is transformed to a block tri-diagonal form in terms of submatrices of small dimensions. With this transformed Hamiltonian, we next show that, making use of recursion methods, the $\widehat Q$ box can be expressed as a continued fraction form and/or a simple perturbative form with the renormalized vertices and propagators. This procedure for the $\widehat Q$ box ensures the exact calculation of the $\widehat Q$ box if the dimension of the relevant Hilbert space is finite. We apply this approach to solving the eigenvalue problem for a given Hamiltonian $H$. We introduce a function $g(E)$ of an energy variable $E$. This function is determined by the $\widehat Q$ box and has a characteristic that the eigenvalues are represented as "resonance" positions of $g(E)$. We discuss a possibility of applying this method to solving an eigenvalue problem with a huge dimension. Contact person: Takaharu Otsuka and Takashi Abe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------