
The 35th Nuclear Theory Seminar

by Dr Kenji Fukukawa (RIKEN Nishina Center)

RIBF 203

RIBF 203

Title: Nucleon-deuteron scattering studied by a quark-model baryon-baryon interaction Speaker: Dr. Kenji Fukukawa (RNC) Date: July 18 (Wed), 11:00- Place: 2F 203, RIBF building Abstract: Understanding nuclear systems in terms of realistic nuclear forces (or realistic baryon-baryon interactions) is one of the most basic topic. Even in the three-nucleon (3N) scattering system, however, the experimental data are not always understood by the present calculation including the 3N and Coulomb forces. We have applied the realistic quark-model baryon-baryon interaction fss2 to the nucleon-deuteron systems and various scattering observables. Many scattering observables such as the triton binding energy and doublet scattering length are well reproduced without introducing three-body force. In this talk, I will present the results mainly on the 3N elastic scattering.