日時 time:
8月1日(水) 15:30から一時間程度
August 1st (Wed), 15:30-
場所 place:
room 248, Main research building
講師 lecturer:
森田健 氏 Dr. Takeshita Morita (KEK)
講演タイトル title:
New states of gauge theories on a circle through stochastic evolutions
講演アブストラクト abstract:
We study a one-dimensional large-N U(N) gauge theory on a circle as a
toy model of higher dimensional Yang-Mills theories at finite
temperature. To investigate the profile of the thermodynamical potential
in this model, we evaluate a stochastic time evolution of several
states, and find that an unstable confinement phase at high temperature
does not decay to a stable deconfinement phase directly. Before it
reaches the deconfinement phase, it develops to several intermediate
states. These states are characterised by the expectation values of the
Polyakov loop operators, which wind the temporal circle different times.
We reveal that these intermediate states are the saddle point solutions
of the theory, and similar solutions exist in a wide class of SU(N) and
U(N) gauge theories on S^1 including QCD and pure Yang-Mills theories in
various dimensions. We also consider a Kaluza-Klein gravity, which is
the gravity dual of the one-dimensional gauge theory on a spatial S^1,
and show that these solutions may be related to multi black holes
localised on the S^1. Then we present a connection between the
stochastic time evolution of the gauge theory and the dynamical decay
process of a black string though the Gregory-Laflamme instability.
講演言語 Language:English