20–21 Feb 2013
Nishina bldg., RIKEN Nishina Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Status Report of Experiment NP0702-RIBF28

20 Feb 2013, 14:20
Nishina Hall (Nishina bldg., RIKEN Nishina Center)

Nishina Hall

Nishina bldg., RIKEN Nishina Center


Masafumi Matsushita (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)


Excited states in the nuclei 38,40,42Si have been studied using in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy following multi-nucleon removal reactions to investigate the systematics of excitation energies along the $Z=14$ isotopic chain. Experiment have been performed at RIBF with high intensity 48Ca beam emplyed to produce the secondary beams of 40S and 44S. The DALI2 gamma-ray spectrometer have been employed to measure the de-excitaion gamma-rays from excited nuclear states via C(40S,38Si+gamma), C(44S,40Si+gamma) and C(44S,42Si+gamma) reactions. Here, we will report on the status of analysis: the observed excited states, tentative spin-parity assignment and future plan.

Primary author

Masafumi Matsushita (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)

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