20–21 Feb 2013
Nishina bldg., RIKEN Nishina Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Clover Array at RCNP and RIBF

20 Feb 2013, 17:00
Nishina Hall (Nishina bldg., RIKEN Nishina Center)

Nishina Hall

Nishina bldg., RIKEN Nishina Center


Eiji Ideguchi (RCNP, Osaka University)


A project to construct a Compton-suppressed Ge Clover array by combining the Clover Ge detectors in Japan and the U.S. is proposed to study in detail excited states in exotic nuclei produced at the RIBF facility in RIKEN. This array will be suited for studies utilizing energy-degraded RI beams and also stopped RI beams. Before starting experiments using the Clover array at RIBF, commissioning runs and physics runs are planned at RCNP, Osaka University to check entire system and also output physics results. At RCNP, there is a world unique high-resolution spectrometer, Grand Raiden and also low-energy RI beam line, EN course. Combination of the array with these facilities will also provide unique physics opportunities. Overview and prospects of the Clover Array project will be presented.

Primary author

Eiji Ideguchi (RCNP, Osaka University)

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