15–16 Sept 2014
The University of Tokyo
Asia/Tokyo timezone

SEASTAR Status report on 66Cr and 70,72Fe

15 Sept 2014, 16:20
Koshiba Hall (The University of Tokyo)

Koshiba Hall

The University of Tokyo


Clementine Santamaria (CEA Saclay, SPhN)


During the first SEASTAR campaign last spring, in-beam spectroscopy of very exotic nuclei via proton-knockout reactions were successfully performed with the coupling of DALI2 with the new MINOS device. The use of a thick 100 mm liquid hydrogen target with a Time Projection Chamber allowed an increase of luminosity while maintaining a Doppler correction as good as with a thin target thanks to the reconstruction of the interaction vertex. Among others, the first spectroscopy of 66Cr and 70,72Fe was obtained by (p,2p) and (p,3p) knockout. We will report on the status of the analysis and discuss the collectivity of neutron-rich nuclei beyond N=40.

Primary authors

Clementine Santamaria (CEA Saclay, SPhN) Dr Corinne Louchart (TU Darmstadt)


Dr Pieter Doornenbal (RIKEN) Prof. Volker Werner (Yale University) Mr alexandre obertelli (CEA Saclay)

Presentation materials

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