Giacomo De Angelis
Oliver Wieland
(INFN sezione di Milano)
Gamma ray spectroscopy is a very usefull tool for
nuclear structure and nuclear physics in general.
The direct view inside the nucleus gives important information on
the nuclear properties.
Progress in detector technology allways resulted in new results in nuclear physics. For this reason the development of next generation HPGe detectors started.
The Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) [1,2,3] is a European project to develop and operate the next generation
gamma-ray spectrometer. AGATA is based on the technique of puls shape analysis, spacial detection of the interaction points of the impinging gammas and gamma-ray energy tracking in electrically segmented high-purity germanium crystals
The advanced gamma ray tracking array AGATA will be discussed in his
Technical details, use at LNL and GSI, type of experiments, results and future Physics campaign @ GANIL and different facilities.
[1] "Conceptual design and infrastructure for the installation of the first AGATA sub-array at LNL"; A. Gadea, et al. NIM A 654 (2011) 88–96
[2] "AGATA – Advanced Gamma Tracking Array"; S. Akkoyuna, et al, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A668:26-58,2012
[3] "On the Road to FAIR: 1st Operation of AGATA in PreSPEC at GSI"; N. Pietralla, et al, EPJ 66 (2014)02083
Primary author
Giacomo De Angelis
Oliver Wieland
(INFN sezione di Milano)