Alessandro Amato
(University of Helsinki)
It is well known that the topology of gauge configurations generated
in a Markov Monte-Carlo chain freezes as the continuum limit
is approached. The corresponding autocorrelation time increases
exponentially with the inverse lattice spacing, affecting the ergodicity
of the simulation. In SU(N) gauge theories for large N this problem sets
in at much coarser lattice spacings than for N=3. This means that
its systematics can be studied on lattices that are smaller in terms
of the number of lattice sites. It has been shown that using open
boundary conditions in time allows instantons to be created and
destroyed, restoring topological mobility and ergodicity.
However, with open boundary conditions translational invariance is lost
and the influence of spurious states propagating from the boundary into
the bulk on physical correlators needs to be carefully evaluated.
Moreover, while the total topological charge can be changed, the mobility
of instantons across the lattice is still reduced. We consider SU(7)
Yang-Mills theory and analyse its topological content in
the periodic and open boundary condition cases. We also investigate
scalar and pseudoscalar glueball correlation functions.
Primary authors
Alessandro Amato
(University of Helsinki)
Biagio Lucini
(Swansea University)
Gunnar Bali
(Regensburg University)