Presenter & Title
Mikael Reponen,
A narrowband injection-locked Titanium:Sapphire laser system for precision laser resonance ionization spectroscopy at the SLOWRI/PALIS -facility -
Masafumi Matsushita,
OEDO project, a new energy degrading scheme for RIBF -
Motoki Kobayashi,
Direct mass measurements of neutron-rich Ca isotopes beyond N = 34 -
Keiichi Kisamori,
Tetraneutron state populated by 4He(8He, 8Be) reaction -
Kyo Tsukada,
Commissioning of SCRIT electron scattering facility -
Yasutaka Taniguchi,
Coupling of α- and t-cluster structure in excited deformed states of 35Cl -
Masanori Dozono,
The parity-transfer (16O,16F) reaction for studies of the spin-dipole 0- mode -
Yoshihiro Aritomo,
Possibility of synthesizing doubly magic superheavy nuclei, located in the center of Island of Stability -
Ayumi Yagi,
Study of neutron-rich Xe and Cs isotopes -
Takahiro Nishi,
The spectroscopy of deeply bound pionic states in Sn at RIBF -
Kimiko Sekiguchi,
Energy dependent study of dp elastic scattering for dp elastic scattering and three-nucleon forces -
Sota Kimura,
Development of β-ray telescopes of the KEK isotope separation system -
Momo Mukai,
Search for efficient laser resonance ionization schemes of tantalum using a newly developed time-of-flight mass-spectrometer in KISS -
Fumi Suzaki,
Performance of a Resonant Schottky Pick-up in the Commissioning of Rare-RI Ring -
Hiroshi Miura,
Performance of a Fast Kicker magnet for Rare-RI Ring -
Mizuki Nishimura,
The SAMURAI SPiRIT-TPC project for study of nuclear symmetry energy by using RI collision at RIBF