Sep 17 – 18, 2015
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Scientific Program

Thursday 17 September

Registration 9:30 - 10:30

Opening address - 10:30-10:40
Conveners: Prof. Nakamura Takashi
  10:30[10] Wellcome address: Prof. Tamura Hirokazu

Group A01 and C01 - 10:40-10:12:05
Conveners: Prof. Nakamura Takashi
  10:40[5+5] Researches of Group-A01: Prof. Takahashi Toshiyuki
  10:50[15+5] Present status of Emulsion Expeiements: Dr. Ekawa Hiroyuki
  11:10[20+5] Present Status of Hyperon Spectrometer (HypTPC): Dr. Sako Hiroyuki
  11:35[25+5] Neutron Star Physics of ASTRO-H: Prof. Enoto Teruaki

Lunch - 12:05 - 13:10

Group C01, B03, and A01
Conveners: Prof. Murakami Tetsuya
  13:10[25+5] Gamma-Ray Binary Systems: Possible Implication of the Fermi Flares
                        on the NS Properties: Prof. Khangulyan Dmitry
  13:40[25+5] The ground state EOS from the BCS limit to the unitarity limit: Dr. Horikoshi Munekazu
  14:10[25+5] Experimental determination of p-wave contact in an ultracold Fermi gas
                       : Prof. Mukaiyama Takashi
  14:40[20+5] The first evidence of Xi-hypernucleus: Prof. Nakazawa Kazuma

Coffee break - 15:05-15:20

Newly accepted researches (新公募研究) 15:20-17:35
Conveners: Prof. Tamura Hirokazu
  15:20[10+5] X線で探る中性子星の磁気変形と表面状態: Prof. Makishima Kazuo
  15:35[10+5] International Collaboration with NICER for Neutron Star Observations
                       : Prof. Enoto Teruaki
  15:50[10+5] Present status of Rare-RI Ring project at RIBF: Prof. Ozawa Akira
  16:05[10+5] きわめて不安定な原子核の表面にあらわれる中性子層核物質の探索によるEOSへの挑戦
                       : Prof. Yamaguchi Takayuki
  16:20[10+5] Status and plans of pionic atom factory project at RIBF: Dr. Itahashi Kenta
  16:35[10+5] High-density nuclear matter probed by nucleus-nucleus scattering
                       : Prof. Sakuragi Hiroyuki
  16:50[10+5] Torsional oscillations in neutron stars with highly tangled magnetic fields
                       : Dr. Sotani Hajime
  17:05[10+5] 連星中性子星合体における超強磁場中性子星形成: Dr. Kiuchi Kenta
  17:20[10+5] 中性子トリプレット超流動: Prof. Nitta Muneto

Poster session 17:35-19:00
    List of Posters

Get together party 19:00 - 21:00

Friday 18 September

Newly accepted researches (新公募研究) 8:30-9:45
Conveners: Prof. Ohnishi Akira
  8:30[10+5] (Lambda*=K^-p) clusters as constituents of high-density strange neutral matter
:  Prof. Akaishi Yoshinori
  8:45[10+5] Recent experimental search for dense K^- nuclei: Possible sources of Dark Matter
: Prof. Yamazaki Toshimitsu
  9:00[10+5] カイラル有効理論のハイペロン核子3体力が示唆するストレンジネス核物理: Prof. Kohno Michio
  9:15[10+5] Fast 2nd level trigger system for the YN scattering experiment in J-PARC: Dr. Honda Ryotaro
  9:30[10+5] A search for kaonic nuclei at SPring-8/LEPS2: Dr. Tokiyasu Atushi

Coffee break 9:45-10:00

Group B01 and B02 10:00 - 11:55
Conveners: Prof. Takahashi Toshiyuki
  10:00[25+5] High density matter in neutron stars investigated through nucleus-nucleus collision
                       : Prof. Murakami Tetsuya
  10:30[20+5] Construction of SPiRIT experimental system for heavy RI collision experiments
                      : Dr. Isobe Tadaaki
  10:55[20+5] Status of ESPRI project: Dr. Zenihiro Juzo
  11:20[10+5] Group B2 report: Prof. Nakamura Takashi
  11:35[15+5] Gamma-ray detector CATANA and E1 response of n-rich Ca isotopes
                        : Dr. Togano Yasuhiro

Lunch 11:55 - 13:00

Group B02 and A02 13:00 - 14:50
Conveners: Prof. Murakami Tetsuya
  13:00[15+5] Experimental study of unbound oxygen isotopes: Dr. Kondo Yosuke
  13:20[15+5] 陽子ーヘリウム3散乱による三体力の研究: Prof. Sekiguchi Kimiko
  13:40[25+5] ハイパー核構造から探る中性子星の謎 -A02班の現状と成果-: Prof. Tamura Hirokazu
  14:10[15+5] ハイペロン・陽子散乱実験の現状: Dr. Miwa Koji
  14:30[15+5] ハイパー核質量の精密決定法の開拓: Dr. Nagao Sho

Coffee break 14:55 - 15:10

Group D01 15:10 - 16:45
Conveners: Prof. Nakamura Takashi
  15:10[10+5] EOS of an ultracold Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover region
                       and application to neutron stars: Prof. Ohashi Yoji
  15:25[5+5] Theory group (D01) report: Prof. Ohnishi Akira
  15:35[15+5] An inhomogeneous chiral condensed phase in neutron stars: Dr. Lee Tong-Gyu
  15:55[15+5] 格子QCDによるハイペロンポテンシャルと軽い原子核への応用: Prof. Nemura Hidekatsu
  16:15[10+5] Constraining slope parameter of symmetry energy from nuclear structure
                       : Dr. Inakura Tsunenori
  16:30[10+5] Production Reaction of Lambda(1405) from Faddeev Equations: Dr. Ohnishi Shota

Closing 16:45 - 16:55
Conveners: Prof. Nakamura Takashi
  16:45[10] Closing remarks: Prof. Tamura Hirokazu