5:40 PM
A coupled-channel approach to Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mean-field theory for deformed neutron rich nuclei
Hiroshi Oba
(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University)
5:40 PM
Atomic picture versus covalent picture for the breaking of N=8 magic number in 12Be
Makoto Ito
(RIKEN Nishina Center Accelerator based Science, RIKEN)
5:40 PM
Continuum effects for the low-lying states of drip-line oxygen isotopes
Koshiroh Tsukiyama
(Department of physics, The University of Tokyo)
5:40 PM
Effects of thermal fluctuations and angular momentum on nuclear pairing properties
Nguyen Quang Hung
(Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Nishina Center)
6:00 PM
Pygmy resonance in neutron-rich Ne isotopes
Kenichi Yoshida
(Department of Physics, Kyoto University and Institut de Physique Nucleaire, Universite Paris Sud)
6:20 PM
Lifetime measurements of excited states in the weakly-bound nucleus 17C
Daisuke Suzuki
(Department of Physics, University of Tokyo)
6:40 PM
High-spin structure of neutron rich Se and Ge isotopes
Koji Higashiyama
(Chiba Institute of Technology)
6:50 PM
Systematic study of electric dipole excitations with fully self-consistent Skyrme HF+RPA from light to medium-mass deformed nuclei
Tsunenori Inakura
(Univ. fo Tsukuba)
7:00 PM
Real-time calculation of response function with TDHF+BCS
Shuichiro Ebata
(Institute for Physics, Univ. of Tsukuba)
7:10 PM
Isomeric states in stable and neutron-rich odd-A Sb and I isotopes
Hiroshi Watanabe
7:20 PM
Quadrupole collectivity in $^{20}$Mg
Naohito Iwasa
(Department of Physics, Tohoku University)
7:30 PM
New formulation of Interacting Boson Model and the structure of exotic nuclei
Kosuke Nomura
(University of Tokyo)
7:40 PM
High-spin states of 93Nb
Yasuo Wakabayashi
(Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)