9:00 AM
Systematic study of the many-particle and many-hole states in and around the Island of Inversion
Masaaki Kimura
(Hokkaido U.)
9:30 AM
Coexistence of various deformed states and α clustering in <sup>42</sup>Ca
Yasutaka Taniguchi
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
9:45 AM
Tops-on-top model for triaxially strongly deformed bands in even-A nuclei
Kazuko Sugawara-Tanabe
(Otsuma Women's U.)
10:00 AM
Structure beyond the neutron drip-line:<sup>9</sup>He
Julien Gibelin
10:15 AM
Tensor correlation in light nuclei studied with the tensor optimized shell model
Takayuki Myo
(Osaka Institute of Technology)
10:30 AM
Symmetry Energy, Pairing correlations in Nuclear Matter and Giant Resonances in Tin Isotopes
Myung Ki Cheoun
(Soongsil U.)