=Date and Place=
Sep.21st(Fri.) 13:30~ at RIBF Hall
FAIR and GSI Research Director, KarlheinzLanganke
(GSI HelmholtzzentrumfürSchwerionenforschung)
"Progress and scientific perspectives for the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe"
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR is currently been constructed in Darmstadt, Germany. Noted as top priority of the nuclear physics community in Europe, FAIR with its chain of accelerators and storage rings and a suite of fore-front detectors and experimental instrumentation allows for unprecedented research in hadron, nuclear, atomic physics and applied sciences. In particular FAIR holds the promise for a deeper understanding of the origin of the elements in the Universe and the astrophysical objects which produce them. As for other leading nuclear facilities like RIKEN, the scientific quest has been further boosted by last year's observation of a neutron-star merger event and its confirmation as astrophysical site for the production of heavy elements.
The talk will discuss the current status of construction of FAIR and will give an overview of its scientific opportunities. The talk will also introduce the FAIR Phase 0 program, which started this summer, and exploits the upgraded GSI accelerators and many of the FAIR instrumentation, which is already available.