19–20 Nov 2010
Nishina Memorial Building, RIKEN Wako-campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Structure along the N=Z line studied by interacting shell models

19 Nov 2010, 13:45
Nishina Hall (Nishina Memorial Building, RIKEN Wako-campus)

Nishina Hall

Nishina Memorial Building, RIKEN Wako-campus

2-1 Hirosaw Wako, Japan


Prof. Yang Sun (SJTU, China)


Owing to fruitful structure variations along the N=Z line, it is interesting to study how these changes influence the consequences of neutron-proton knockout and transfer reaction experiments. To this end, one needs to calculate the physical quantities that are directly linked to observables by using shell model wavefunctions. In this talk, we mention two kinds of interacting shell models: the spherical shell model that deals with weakly deformed nuclei and the projected shell model that can treat well deformed nuclei. Structure variations such as the shape phase transition, shape coexistence, occurrence of isomers will be highlighted. An isospin invariant Hamiltonian with the extended P+QQ terms is discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Yang Sun (SJTU, China)

Presentation materials