[RIBF-ULIC-Symposium-003] Further understanding of 'Island of Inversion' via nuclear moments and inelastic reactions.

RIBF Bldg. 201 (RIKEN Nishina Center)

RIBF Bldg. 201

RIKEN Nishina Center

Kenichi Yoshida (RIKEN Nishina Center), Masaaki KIMURA, Satoshi TAKEUCHI (RIKEN Nishina Center)
これまでIsland of Inversionの研究では、理研で行なわれたB(E2)の測定等を契機とする、クーロン励起反応等を実験手段とした基底回転帯(0+,2+,4+)のスペクトル・B(E2)の研究が中心的であった。一方、理論的には大規模shell model計算・Beyond mean field計算により、多数の励起状態(励起モード)の存在や基底状態の磁気モーメント等も調べられており、対応する実験情報はIsland of Inversionでの1中性子軌道など重要な情報を含んでいると考えられる。 近年、(p,p’)実験など、クーロン励起以外のプローブによる実験により、Island of Inversionの様々な性質が明らかになりつつある。そのため、従来の核構造研究にとどまらず、反応機構の理解など、様々な新しい問題が存在する。 そこで本研究会では、Island of Inversion核の電磁気モーメント、非弾性散乱に焦点を絞り、関連する実験・理論研究者が集い、これまでの知見と今後解決すべき物理的問題・技術的問題に関して議論を行なう。具体的には 1) モーメントを通したシェル構造、変形の理解と課題 2) 非弾性散乱・分解反応によるシェル構造の理解と課題 3) 微視的核構造理論と実験を橋渡しする反応計算の整備 をテーマとして講演・議論を行なう。研究会の後半では、テーマ間で共通した理解・課題を得るために議論の時間を設ける。
Application to ULIC
  • Monday 20 December
    • 10:20 10:30
      Introduction 10m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Speaker: Dr Kenichi Yoshida (RIKEN Nishina Center)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Study of the island of inversion through nuclear-moment measurements 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Speaker: Dr hideki ueno (RNC)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Pairing and deformation in nuclei around the island of inversion 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      I discuss the role of pair correlations on the electric quadrupole moments of aluminum isotopes around N=20 within the framework of the microscopic particle-vibration coupling model where the pairing and deformation are taken into account. The low-lying vibrational modes in neutron-rich magnesium isotopes are also discussed with paying attention to the pairing and deformation.
      Speaker: Dr Kenichi Yoshida (RIKEN Nishina Center)
    • 11:30 12:00
      Shell-model study on the island of inversion: what has been clarified and what should be 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      I would like to survey the structure around the inland of inversion from the viewpoint of the shell model. I will focus on the interplay of the shell gap which is varying with increasing proton number and the resulting many-body structure. It will be shown that the electromagnetic moment and the reaction cross section are used as useful tools for investigating the structure.
      Speaker: Dr Yutaka UTSUNO (JAEA)
    • 12:00 13:30
      Lunch 1h 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

    • 13:30 14:00
      Studies of neutron-rich nuclear structures through beta-delayed decay of spin-polarized isotopes 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Much attention has been paid on the exotic structure of neutron-rich nuclei such those around magic numbers N = 8 and 20. However, most of the information on the excited states of these nuclei, such as spin and parity, has not been known well. We have developed a new method to effectively investigate the level structure by taking advantage of asymmetric beta-decay of spin polarized unstable nuclei: The spins of the daughter states can be assigned unambiguously from the characteristic asymmetry. We have started beta-delayed decay spectroscopy at ISAC-1 TRIUMF, where highly polarized radioactive nuclear beams are available. In the first experiment measuring beta-delayed neutron decays of spin-polarized 11Li has successfully assigned the spins and parities of 7 levels in 11Be for the first time [1]. The experiment with polarized 28Na and 29Na beams have been performed in 2007. The beta-decay asymmetry parameters and gamma-ray intensities have also assigned spin-parity of a newly found level in 28Mg and of 7 levels in 29Mg for the first time. The observed levels and log-ft values were compared with the shell model calculations using NuShell code with USD interactions. The level energies, log-ft values and the decay properties of all the assigned levels were explained well by assuming sd-shell configurations. However, in 29Mg two levels at 1.095 and 1.430 MeV associated with large log-ft values could not be reproduced by the calculations. The Monte Carlo Shell Model calculation taking into account the intruder configurations predicted 3/2- and 7/2- levels around 1 MeV [2]. This fact strongly suggests negative parity assignments for the 1.095 and 1.430 MeV levels in 29Mg. In August 2010 the experiment with 30Na beam has been performed and the data analysis is in progress now. In the talk the principle of the method will be introduced and results on the 11Be, 28Mg and 29Mg structures will be discussed. Some of new findings on 30Mg structure will also be presented. [1] Y. Hirayama et al., Phys. Lett. B611, 239 (2005). [2] Y. Utsuno, private communication.
      Speaker: Prof. Tadashi Shimoda (Department of Physics, Osaka University)
    • 14:00 14:30
      Spectroscopy in the Island of Inversion studied by AMD and perspectives 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Spectra and transitions in the Island of Inversion is reviewed based on the AMD calcualtions. To discuss the single particle nature, the odd-mass system will be focused. The possible presence of the exotic structure such as halo and clustering will be mentioned.
      Speaker: Dr Masaaki KIMURA (Hokkaido University)
    • 14:30 15:00
      Structure study of nuclei in and around the island of inversion by γ-ray measurement at RIPS and BigRIPS 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Speaker: Dr Nori AOI (RIKEN, Nishina Center)
    • 15:00 15:30
      Shape coexistence/mixing in Mg isotopes 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Properties of the low-lying states in magnesium isotopes around the island of inversion are studied using the five-dimensional quadrupole collective Hamiltonian constructed with the microscopic theory of large-amplitude collective motion. Shape dynamics with changing the neutron number and angular momentum in the yrast bands are discussed. The properties of the experimental observables such as the 0_2^+ states, 2_2^+ states, excited rotational bands, electric transitions between yrast and excited bands, and quadrupole moments are also discussed in relation with the shape coexistence/mixing dynamics.
      Speaker: Dr Nobuo HINOHARA (RIKEN Nishina Center)
    • 15:30 16:00
      break 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

    • 16:00 16:30
      A new theory on nucleon removal reaction 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      I present a new theory to treat inclusive reactions accurately. This theory is more accurate than the Glauber model widely used.
      Speaker: Prof. Masanobu YAHIRO (Kyushu University)
    • 16:30 17:00
      Application of the eikonal reaction theory to 31Ne indeuced reaction 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      The eikonal reaction theory is a new theory to treat inclucive reactions accurately. I show the application of this theory to 31Ne induced reaction.
      Speaker: Mr Koshou MINOMO (Kyushu University)
  • Tuesday 21 December
    • 09:30 10:00
      Mechanism for nuclear and Coulomb breakup reactions 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Breakup reactions have played key roles in investigating properties of unstable nuclei. One of the most reliable methods for treating projectile breakup processes is the method of continuum-discretized coupled channels (CDCC). CDCC has successfully been applied to analyses of three-body breakup system, in which the projectile breaks up into two constituents. Recently, we have developed CDCC to treating four-body breakup reactions with three-body projectile. Thus CDCC is very useful for systematic analyses of scattering including light unstable nuclei, which have exotic properties such as the halo structure and the island of inversion. In this talk, I will report results of analyses for 11Be, 15C, and 6He breakup reactions with nuclear and Coulomb interactions, and discuss for those structure properties and reaction mechanisms.
      Speaker: Dr Takuma Matsumoto (RIKEN Nishina Center)
    • 10:00 10:30
      Coulomb breakup of neutron-rich nuclei around the island of inversion 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Speaker: Prof. Takashi Nakamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    • 10:30 11:00
      break 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

    • 11:00 11:30
      Reactions of 31Ne in the Glauber model 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Speaker: Prof. Yasuyuki SUZUKI (Niigata University)
    • 11:30 12:00
      Interaction Cross Sections for Ne and Na Isotopes towards the island of Inversion 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Speaker: Dr Maya TAKECHI (RIKEN Nishina Center)
    • 12:00 13:30
      Lunch 1h 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

    • 13:30 15:00
      Seminar 1h 30m Nishina Hall

      Nishina Hall

      RIKEN Nishina Center

    • 15:00 16:30
      Discussion 1h 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

    • 16:30 17:00
      Summary 30m RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIBF Bldg. 201

      RIKEN Nishina Center

      Speaker: Dr Masaaki KIMURA (Hokkaido University)