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We are pleased to announce that "General Meeting of the RIKEN Scientists' Assembly for FY2018 / The 18th Interdisciplinary Exchange Evening / FY2016 Research Reporting Session for Incentive Research Grants" will be held on March 1st, 2019 in Wako campus. It is organized by RIKEN Scientists' Assembly Steering Committee, co-organized by RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research, and sponsored by RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society.
To all RSA members,
"General Meeting of the RIKEN Scientists' Assembly for FY2018"
The aim of the RSA is to socialize researchers in different fields, to improve the research environment, and to resolve problems that researchers in RIKEN are facing. Please register your attendance or absence for "General Meeting of the RIKEN Scientists' Assembly (RSA) for FY2018" by Friday, Feb. 22 from the URL below. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated since a quorum for the General Meeting requires attendance by at least fifty percent of the RSA membership.
To all RIKEN members,
"The 18th Interdisciplinary Exchange Evening / FY2016 Research Reporting Session for Incentive Research Grants"
The 18th Interdisciplinary Exchange Evening is aimed to encourage collaborative research project, and to provide opportunities for all RIKEN members to get to know each other in a cross disciplinary setting.
We will have 45 posters, special talks, and several Very-Short-Oral-Presentations (V.S.O.P.s). Free food and drinks will be served at the 18th interdisciplinary exchange evening Session. Please join us and enjoy meeting people from different fields.
We will show the oral sessions by the TV conference system in each branch.
Yokohama Branch : Cooperation Center 2F Seminar Room
Tsukuba Branch : Management Building Main Conference Room
Harima Branch : Structural Biology Facility Seminar Room 109/110
"The Collaboration Seed Fund(「連携のタネ」ファンド)"
SASC decided to start the Collaboration Seed Fund "「連携のタネ」ファンド". This fund is aimed to find seeds of the different field cooperation collaborative research project by providing opportunities for all RIKEN members to get to know each other in the interdisciplinary exchange event such as “The All-RIKEN Workshop” and/or “The Interdisciplinary Exchange Evening”. Therefore, the qualification to apply for this fund are participation in “The All-RIKEN Workshop” and/or “The Interdisciplinary Exchange Evening”.
For more details in the following URL:
平成31(2019)年3月1日(金)、和光キャンパスにおいて、平成30年度 研究員会議総会・第18回 異分野交流の夕べ・平成28年度採択 奨励研究課題 成果報告会を研究員会議幹事会と開拓研究本部とで合同開催します(協賛:理研共催会和光部会)。
「平成30年度 研究員会議総会」
研究員会議総会は研究系職員(研究員会議会員)のための公式行事であり、更なる研究の発展と推進を目的として行われます。研究員会議の会員の皆様には、以下のURLより「平成30年度 研究員会議総会」への出席/書面出席のご登録を2月22日(金)までにお願い申し上げます。 総会の成立には会員の2分の1以上の出席(書面出席を含む)が必要ですので、ご協力をお願いいたします。
「第18回 異分野交流の夕べ・平成28年度採択 奨励研究課題 成果報告会」
第18回 異分野交流の夕べは、研究に対する柔軟な思考と新たなアイディアの発見を促し、また、新たな仲間を見つけることで、日々の研究活動を活性化していただく事を目的としており、研究職・事務職を問わず、どなたでも参加できます。
45件のポスター発表(平成28年度採択 奨励研究課題の成果報告会を兼ねています。)の他に、特別講演およびV.S.O.P.s (Very Short Oral Presentations)を行います。第18回 異分野交流の夕べ(ポスター会場)では、無料の飲食物もご用意いたしますので、何卒、気軽にご参加頂きたく、お願い申し上げます。
As for previous Interdisciplinary Exchange Evenings, visit our website: